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Title: | 台灣整廠輸出產業之現況分析與未來策略研究 |
Authors: | 孫宗宜 Sun ,Tsung Yi |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 高安邦 林明坤
孫宗宜 Sun ,Tsung Yi |
Keywords: | 整廠輸出 企業營運總部 全球佈局、根留台灣 整廠輸出技術服務業 技術服務型整廠輸出業 Turnkey-plant exports Enterprise operating center (headquarters) Global operating, keep roots in Taiwan Technology-service based turnkey-plant-exports business Technology-service type of turnkey-plant exports |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:24:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1988年開始中華民國政府推動「整廠輸出推動輔導」專案至今,針對台灣整廠輸出產業之輔導創造中小型整廠輸出之商機逐年增加。
鑑於「整廠設備輸出」的概念即為發展「高附加價值」的「知識型製造業」。其牽涉眾多環節及技術,個別廠商多無法獨立克服,故為企業之整廠輸出行為提供整體解決方案之整廠輸出技術服務業,因具有以專門知識為基礎,提供「高附加價」的「知識型」服務之特性,應值得政府部門重視。此外,倘業者能將其技術服務(不以傳統之機器設備整廠輸出技術服務為限,尚可包括工程技術服務業(Engineering Service Industry)、農業技術服務業(Agricultural Service Industry),予以整體包裝,賦予品牌,並將其以整體國際行銷之技術服務商品型態對外輸出,應亦屬「整廠輸出」之一環(按傳統意義所稱之「整廠輸出」向以機器設備之硬體為主,以技術服務之軟體為輔,而技術服務之整廠輸出,係以技術服務為核心,而以硬體之機器設備為輔),是值得政府部門重視。
準此,本研究擬以「整廠輸出」之產業活動現況為基礎,探討企業之整廠輸出活動,整廠輸出技術服務業,或以技術服務為商品之技術服務型整廠輸出之經營現況,及整廠輸出業者在大陸地區之營運情況及目前所遇到之事實或法令之障礙、期望中華民國政府可以提供之扶助獎勵措施等等事項,進行瞭解並提出檢討,以期對未來整廠設備輸出產業之發展策略,提供參考之興革建議,並做為中華民國政府主管機關推動「整廠輸出輔導專案計畫」之佐證。 The Current Analysis and Future Strategies on
Taiwan’s Turnkey-plant Export Industry
Taiwan government has promoted and assisted “Turnkey-plant Export” project for the island’s small- and medium-scale enterprises since 1988. Since then, this assistance has created many turnkey-plant-export opportunities for small- and medium-scale enterprises. In addition, these opportunities have also increased year by year.
In order to cut down production costs, many Taiwan manufacturers have moved their plants overseas, and some of the industries are empties around the island. Therefore, Taiwan government has promoted the policy of “enterprise’ operating centers”, and has assisted manufacturers to transfer their traditional industries to high-tech ones. This could cover the empties after Taiwan manufacturers’ global manufacturing policy.
The 21 Century emphasizes innovation, and core competition is based on knowledge services. Knowledge has become the driving force for upgrading productivity and economic growth. Taiwan’s enterprises can’t neglect knowledge capital is the major factor for manufacturing and production. Through continuous innovation and the use of information technologies to upgrade the value added products. This is knowledge economy. Previously, Taiwan’s industry policy has centered on manufacturing, and hasn’t emphasized on the development of service industries. Therefore, when government assists manufacturing industries to transfer their lines, must follow the trend of knowledge economy. Taiwan is one among the world’s capital-export countries. Taiwan enterprises’ offshore production values have ranked the top. In addition, they accept purchase orders around the world, and have global manufacturing sites. These are the important factors to develop high-value added and knowledge-type service industries.
The turnkey-plant-export concept is to develop high-value-added and knowledge-type manufacturing. This export provides the total solution, and is technology service business. It needs special knowledge for the base to provide high-value-added and knowledge-type technologies for the character of service business. The government should aware the importance of these knowledge and technology.
In addition to traditional technology serviced for the traditional turnkey-plant exports, if enterprises could add more and advanced technology services such as engineering service industry and agricultural service industry. Enterprises could have turkey-plant exports as a package and a brand name and using international marketing and sales for the exports. This will be the new turnkey-plant export. The traditional turnkey-plant exports are focus on the exports of hardware (production equipment), and the technology services are the minor. On the other hand, the government should aware that. the technology-service turnkey-plant exports are focus on technology services, and production equipment is the second.
The turnkey-plant exports are integrated industry. It should integrate engineering consultations and designs, import and export trading, equipment and facilities manufacturing and supply, technology services, construction engineering, marketing and sales, financial loans. The turnkey-plant exports, international marketing and sales as well as technology services, or based on technology services for turnkey-plant exports are related to turnkey-plant exports.
Therefore, this research will base on the turnkey-plant-export industry to discuss enterprises’ turnkey-plant exports; the turnkey-plant exports technology services; the activities of based on technology services for turnkey-plant exports; and turnkey-plant-export enterprises’ activities in mainland China and law and other barriers there. The expected assistances and encourages from the government to proceed understanding and discussion. Hope this research will provide suggestions for the reference for the strategy development for future turnkey-plant exports. In addition, this could for the reference for the government to promote “turnkey-plant exports special plan.” |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 91921007 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091921007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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