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Title: | 民營化組織變革的不確定性認知對組織承諾之影響研究 |
Authors: | 羅春月 Luo,Chuen Yueh |
Contributors: | 吳瓊恩 羅春月 Luo,Chuen Yueh |
Keywords: | 認知 組織變革 工作壓力 組織承諾 cognition organizational changes work stress organizational commitment |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:24:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在經濟自由化、國際化潮流的衝擊下,公營事業「私有化」(privatization)自1980年代以來成為主流思潮,在國內政治、經濟、社會發展日趨成熟,以及公營事業機構經營績效普遍不彰的環境下,紛紛要求政府去保護、去壟斷、去管制,讓公營事業回歸市場競爭機制,於是行政院於1989年成立跨部會的「專案小組」負責推動民營化工作,惟民營化的腳步卻顯得蹣跚難以開展,直到1996年「國家發展會議」中才確立「加速民營化」的共識後,民營化政策乃如火如荼的展開。
本研究以公賣局為個案研究,公賣局為因應民營化的需要,改善經營體質,提升組織競爭力,從1996 年開始規劃實施一連串的組織變革措施中,主要進行人力精簡、組織調整及全面品質管理等三大重要變革措施,其中以人力精簡與組織調整對員工的衝擊影響最大;人力精簡從1997年到2003年10月底止,已精簡4371人,有1/3以上的員工選擇優惠離退,而組織調整的方式則以簡併、裁撤、遷廠方式為之,影響了數千名員工的工作地點、工作性質、人際關係與環境的變動,員工在經歷這些重大組織變革,其對民營化組織變革的認知情況如何,是否會反應在工作壓力與組織承諾上,所以本研究即以微觀的認知觀點,試圖從員工對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知切入,來探求民營化組織變革的不確定性認知,對員工工作壓力與組織承諾的影響情況,深切鋪陳員工心理層面的憂鬱、焦慮、徬徨的感受,以提供政府當局及變革推動者參考。
關鍵字: 認 知
組織承諾 Under economy liberalization trend, as well as globalization influences, the public enterprise privatization became a leading trend starting from 1980s, Internal (domestic) politics, economy, society development is mature rapidly, and public enterprises management agency are generally not developing/improving, makes them requesting government to give up protection, monopolize, controls etc. in order to put the public enterprises into competitive market mechanism.
Hence in 1989 Executive Yuan had set up a special team in charge for pushing government entity for privatization, although privatization moves was halting and difficult to develop at the start, untill 1996 the Country Development Meeting where participants has reached a common view to accelerate the privatization issue, the privatization became a hot topic like a raging fire that everyone is talking about.
Over ten years after privatization was carried out, disadvantage clusters, conglomeration of companies, low price sales and quisling government properties, political bribing, unemployment misgivings, seriously damaging workers interests and rights, and became a widely discuss issues.
In recent years it even deteriorated and spoiled into a fund raising tools, which made workers to boycott, then fights against privatization policy continues. And even canvassed legislators to enforce protection laws, truncate and write off budgets, all sorts of put off or deferred to obstruct and jeopardize the progress of privatization.
Trace to its cause, worker anticipation that privatization will bring uncertainty in the future due to the change of the organization, salary reduction, lay off staff, loosing job indemnification, labor laws and regulation changes, relation alteration in the employment system, loss of civil servant status, social status and rights diminishing, economical benefits reductions, available resource decreasing, increase of workload etc, etc..
This research is based on Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Board as a case study, due to the need of privatization to improve its management, increase of competitiveness capability, starting from 1996 Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation has taken up a series of organization transformation measures, there were 3 major improvement measures, mainly on manpower simplification; organization adjustment and overall quality control management. Where the manpower and organization adjustment have the most direct influence to staff/workers; Manpower reduction has been started since 1997 and up till the end of October 2003, there were already 4,371 persons reduced, 1/3 above personnel choose the preferential leave quit, while re-organization is implemented using simplification, dissolve of companies, relocate of factories, this has affected thousands of staff/worker’s work place, jobs nature, relationship and environmental alterations. Upon they experienced all these significant re-organization major changes. How do staff/workers recognition towards organization changes due to the privatization effect? Will it reflect in their work commitment due to the work pressure and organization changes?
This study is based on basic cognitive point of view, attempt to cut in from worker’s uncertain recognition to organization changes by privatization, seeking for uncertain recognition of organization transformation cause by privatization, the effect towards personnel work pressure and organization commitments, deeply elaborate personnel psychology disconsolation, anxiety, hesitation, in order to provide to government authority and the reformers for references.
This research adopt and consolidate the previously research documentary retrospect, it also combine with questionnaires inquisition. Based on the research object from Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Business Distribution Unit staff at the end of February 2004, obtained effective samples of 462 item and were analyzed with Descriptive Statistic Analysis method, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Analysis of Regression, Analysis of Stepwise Regression Statistical.
The main conclusions of this research are as follows:
Under descriptive statistic analysis salary reduction is the most worried case (87.9%), duty and or work place alteration (82%), lay off staff (80.8%), loss of civil servant status and work rights (78.8%), fear of personal future business career uncertainty hesitation (76.6%), in addition to this, anxiety to the future personal role’s alteration. And during the changes period, staff/workers felt if organizational changes information severely lack of, it also shows if decision makers has impeded the communication in between, and the belief that privatization of organizational changes will let the organization development full with alteration nature. This illustrates staff/workers have very high uncertainty cognition to the privatization of organizational changes. Reaction shown directly on work stresses, while anxiety reaction is the most severe case, average rating at 75.56%, following is work overloaded phenomenon with 70.82%, but to organizational value and effort commitment, retention commitment are still lofty, average ratio at 71.8% and 71.62% respectively.
At divergence analysis, it is found there is a distinct difference at
1. Age differences: on duty staff/workers have a different opinion of uncertain cognition to organizational changes information.
2. Different job sections staff/workers have distinct recognition on communication misgiving uncertainty cognition.
3. Different position/grade personnel has a different recognition on organization development.
4. Different position/grade personnel has distinct recognition on low self-esteem.
5. Different Job sections staff/workers has different recognition on retention commitment.
On correlation analysis, there is a high positive relationship between privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, while it shows a medium negative relationship to organizational commitment; work stress and organizational commitment shows a high negative relationship.
In forecast analysis, privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, work stress and organizational commitment both equipped with elucidate and anticipation power, while work stress and privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and organizational commitment are of intermediate effect, in other words for staff to remain in office will increase its recognition to privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition, work stress will be heavier, when work stress becomes bigger, staff/workers organizational commitment will become lesser.
This research concludes for suggestions to government entity, enterprises, staff/workers and the fellow researchers to improve the privatization program and submit more valuable and complete study results.
Key words : cognition 、organizational changes、work stress 、 organizational commitment |
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