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Title: | 行政院國家科學委員會強化科技發展功能之研究-美國與日本經驗之分析 |
Contributors: | 鄭興弟 林初華 Lin, Chu-Hua |
Keywords: | 標竿學習 科技管理 benchmarking the management of science and technology |
Abstract: | 國家科技發展計畫是國家競爭力的基礎。在台灣有幾個重要科技政策會議(如全國科學技術會議、行政院科技顧問會議、電子、資訊、電訊策略會議、行政院科技會報等)來協調、凝聚政府與私部門間對科技政策共識,進而規劃科技發展目標與執行策略。國科會自1978年開始,不僅籌辦全國科學技術會議,並且執行規劃科技發展策略、協調執行、評估中、長期科技發展計畫等功能。但是我國在推動整體科技發展時,一直存有若干問題未能解決,如資源浪費、效率不彰、國科會層級不足以扮演超部會協調角色等,影響國家科技發展甚大。
以上四個標竿學習指標,經運用德菲調查研究後發現,專家學者們認為所提的四個指標,對國科會強化科技發展功能有所助益。 National science and technological development plan is a foundation for national competitiveness of a country. There are several decision-
supporting mechanisms(such as The National Conference on Science & Technology, Science &Technology Advisory Board , Strategic Review Board on Electronics, Information and Telecommunications, Science &Technology Conference of the Executive Yuan)in Taiwan which serve to reach consensus between government and the private sector, mapping out Sci-Tech development goals and formulating implementation strategies for achieving the goals. National Science Council is not only one of the main agencies to sponsor The National Conference on Science & Technology but also a strategic agency to formulate Sci-Tech development policy; coordinate and implement mid-and long-term development plans, and evaluate the outcome of policy implementation. The Council has undertaken the above functions since 1978,but some problems have not been solved. For example, huge amount of manpower and resources are overlapped and wasted which result in poor efficiency. In addition, the Council lacks the authority to coordinate other ministries concerning Sci-Tech policies within the Executive Yuan.
In this thesis, the author used literature review and comparative research to study the strong traits of American and Japan’s S&T development as benchmarks. There are four benchmarking alternatives to enhance the function of National Science Council to improve its S&T development. They are:
I、National Science Council should enhance its information management and decision supporting system to provide policy alternatives of S&T for its decision-maker.
II、National Science Council should establish an in-house “think- tank” to provide future vision and goals of science and technological development.
III、Augmenting the authority of Council to strengthen its coordinating function with other ministries in the Executive Yuan.
IV、The creation of a steady and growing fund to facilitate the long-term development of science and technology in Taiwan.
The opinions of experts in our Delphi survey has confirmed that the above alternatives can strengthen the function of National Science Council to promote science and technology development in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 90921048 92 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0090921048 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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