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Title: | 內與外的迂迴: 簡愛的詩意與政治 Detouring: the Poetics and Politics of Jane Eyre |
Authors: | 劉依綺 Liu, Yi-chi |
Contributors: | 邱漢平 Chiu, Han-ping 劉依綺 Liu, Yi-chi |
Keywords: | 簡愛 迂迴 詩學 夢想 現象學 Jane Eyre detour poetics reverie phenomenology |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:14:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 《簡愛》如同吳爾芙所說的「強烈的自我中心性格」、借力於詩意的雄渾寫景、狹窄的力度,這些特質標誌著《簡愛》或夏綠蒂勃朗蒂獨樹一幟的文體風格。此外據吳爾芙的剖析,十九世紀英國女作家所寫小說必然受到狹窄的生活經驗所影響,作者性格總通過某種個人的因素而被清楚的意識。本文一方面通過現象學式的稠密閱╱寫對《簡愛》這部小說的上述特質加以印證、詮釋;同時也在性別政治脈絡的還原過程中將寫作活動的理論引曵回歷史情境,為文化情境中所謂「局部壓抑」的迷思做預先的鋪陳。在方法上,本文首先根據《簡愛》的「空間」與「物」的呈現╱陳列特質,演繹出該作品內建「狹窄的自我中心性」,這個中心是以童年的場景作為整部小說的詩意原型,同時整部小說也以摧毀童年夢靨原型為逆轉點。在詳細的分析後我們將發現,勃朗蒂竟是十分勉強地安排性別政治的標準價值,愛情與婚姻的價值、情感的脆弱、家庭事物的價值…這一切在《簡愛》這部小說裡,在通過帶著現象學傾向的分析後,我們將一一發現作者曾試圖想消除、重寫那些標準價值的痕跡,同時也發現那些不穩定的、不一致的事件串連事實上是通過「視覺物」被讀者的預設所任意完整化的。一當經過仔細的分析後我們發現這部故事並未以因果的方式開展出結果,反而我們發現一個又一個的空間為不存在的主體進行補充試圖刻畫出一個新的女性標準。綜觀《簡愛》整部作品可演繹出以下敘事模式與原則:fiction(構作)—simulation(擬仿)—supplement/ reverse (補充/逆轉)。本文認為這個敘事原則在過去採取精神分析假設與後殖民論述立場的分析裡被嚴重忽略,甚至扭曲女性書寫活動裡的情緒張力成為帝國慾望的再現;本文以顛倒順
面觀點的閱╱寫分析。 Virginia Woolf points out that the circumstances which affected an author’s character may have left their traces on their work; therefore, the writings of nineteenth-century female writers are arguably affected by their limited life experience. In an effort to analyse the self-enclosure in Jane Eyre, this thesis first examines the theme of narrowness by employing a method of phenomenological thick reading/writing. I will argue that Jane Eyre constructs Jane’s childhood as a poetic prototype and centres on the end of Jane’s childhood nightmare as a turning point. Moreover, after close analysis of the text, it will be found that Brontë manages to arrange the standard of sexual politics, the value of family, love, and marriage with difficulty. By applying a phenomenological reading, we will find traces that the author tries to erase or rewrite these values. The reading of materiality, silence, space, and conflict within texts will open up extremely productive ways of studying the politics of language. The inconsistency, rupture, and disjunction of incidents are freely associated as a unity, a consistent novel by readers through the appearance of objects, and the plot of Jane Eyre is not based upon cause-and-effect. The narrative mode of Jane Eyre can be interpreted as fiction-simulation-supplement/reverse. The centrality of this narrative technique to Brontë’s work has received little attention in psychoanalytic or postcolonial criticism, both of which often interpret the intensity of feeling of the novel as the embodiment of imperial desire. By employing a non-linear reading of Jane Eyre, I will examine the narrative in reverse order, trying to establish a new platform for the infinite interplay between author, reader, and characters. |
Reference: | Allott, Mirriam ed. Jane Eyre and Villette, A Selection of Critical Essays. London: Macmillan Press, 1973. Bachelard, Gaston. On Poetic Imagination and Reverie. Trans. Colette Gaudin. Dallas: Spring Publications, 1987. ---. The Poetics of Reverie. Trans. Daniel Russell. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. ---. The Poetics of Space. Trans. Maria Jolas. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. Baudrillard, Jean. The Perfect Crime. Trans. Chris Turner. New York: Verso, 1996. Bergson, Henri. Matter and Memory. Trans. N. M. Paul and W.S. Palmer. New York: Zone Books, 1991. Blanchot, Maurice. The Infinite Conversation. Trans. Susan Hanson. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1993. ---. The Space of Literature [SL]. Trans. Ann Smock. Lincoln, Nebr. And London: U of Nebraska P, 1982. ---. The Siren’s Song: Selected Essays by Maurice Blanchot. Trans. Sacha Rabinovitch. Ed. Gabriel Josipovici. Sussex: Harvester, 1982. Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre: An Autobiography. New York: Oxford UP, 1975. Culler, Jonathan. On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism After Structuralism. Ithaca and New York: Cornell UP, 1986. Derrida, Jacques. Of Grammatology. Trans. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997. Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar. "Plain Jane`s Progress." The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979. Gordon, Lyndall. Charlotte Brontë: A Passionate Life. London: Vintage, 1995. Heidegger, Martin. Existence and Being. Trans. R.F.C. Hull and Alan Crick Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 1988. ---. “The Origin of the Work of Art” [OWA] in Basic Writings. Trans. Albert Hofstadter. Ed. D. F. Krell. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1977. ---. On Time and Being [OTB]. Trans.Joan Stambaugh. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1972. ---. Poetry, Language, Thought [PLT]. Trans. Albert Hofstadster. New York: Harper, 1975. Husserl, Edmund. Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. Trans. W. R. Boyce Gibson. New York: The Macmillan, 1931. ---. Logical Investigations. Trans. J. N. Findlay. New York: Humanities Press, 1970. Ingarden, Roman. The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art. Trans. Ruth Ann Crowley and Kenneth R. Olson, 1973. Iser, Wolfgang. The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins U P, 1978. Rich, Adrienne. "Jane Eyre: The Temptations of a Motherless Woman." Critical Essays on Charlotte Brontë. Ed. Barbara Timm Gates. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. Ricoeur, Paul. "What is a Text: Explanation and Understanding." Trans. and Ed. J. B. Thompson. Hermeneutics & the Human Sciences. New York: Cambridge UP, 1987. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of Imperialism.” Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism. Eds. Robyn R, Warhol and Diana Price Herndl. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1991. Vanden , Chris R. "What Did Jane Eyre Do? Ideology, Agency, Class and the Novel." Narrative 13 (2005): 46-66. Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Philosophical Investigations. Trans.G. E. M. Anscombe. Oxford: Blackwell, 1968. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One’s Own. London: Penguin Books, 2004. ---. Collected Essays. Vol. 2. London: Hogarth Press, 1966. ---. The Common Reader. London: Hogarth Press, 1929. Yeazell, Ruth Bernard. “More True Than Real: Jane Eyre’s ‘Mysterious Summons.’” Nineteenth-Century Fiction. 29 (Sep. 1974):127-143. Zivley, Sherry Lutz. “The Phenomenology of Space--Attic Memories and Secrets.” Online posting. 15 Nov. 2004. The 20th International Literature and Psychology Conference. 7 Jul. 2003 < http://www.clas.ufl.edu/ipsa/2003/ lutz_zivley.html >. 余德慧(Yee, Der-Heuy)、李維倫、林耀盛、余安邦、陳淑惠、許敏桃、謝碧玲、石世明 (2004c) : 〈倫理療育作為建構臨床心理學本土化的起點〉。發表於第七屆華人心理與行為科際學術研討會。 2004年 10月24-26 日。臺北: 南港中央研究院。 |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 88551007 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0088551007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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