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Title: | 我國公營事業民營化過程之檔案管理研究:以台鹽公司、台電公司、台灣菸酒公司、中船公司為例 |
Authors: | 陳珈宏 |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 陳珈宏 |
Keywords: | 國營事業 民營化 Government-operated Business Privatization |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 12:02:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國營事業在台灣具有悠久的歷史,對台灣的經濟及民生佔有舉足輕重的地位。而這些國營事業所產生的檔案,則與台灣的國計民生有關,包括經濟、科技研發等,具有相當珍貴的價值。近年來,公營事業民營化成為時代的潮流,許多公營事業皆已列入民營化時程,檔案法施行細則第十四條中規定:「公營事業機構移轉民營者,其永久保存之檔案應移轉檔案中央主管機關,定期保存之檔案應報請該機構主管機關處理。」但由於檔案管理局成立時間尚短,我國檔案管理事業尚處於起步階段,在國營事業民營化過程的檔案管理及相關的移轉問題方面,便產生相當多的問題。本研究旨在以檔案法施行後列入民營化時程之國營事業為研究對象,針對各國營事業之檔案管理、民營化過程中檔案之移轉問題、檔案管理局公營事業訪查計畫對各公營事業訪查及徵集的現況進行深入探討,藉以瞭解各公營事業在民營化過程中所會產生之檔案徵集移轉之問題,供其他即將民營化之國營事業作將來之參考。
根據以上問題,研究生提出以下幾點建議:一、儘速針對公營事業中有專利權及所有權問題之檔案訂定相關辦法;二、優先審核列入民營化時程之公營事業單位;三、儘速成立國家檔案館或國家檔案庫房;四、妥善應用未被審選之公營事業檔案;五、公營事業應建立檔案數位化管理。 The national corporations have a long history in Taiwan, playing a significant role in the economy and people`s livelihood of Taiwan. The archives of the national corporations are related to the national economy and the people`s livelihood of Taiwan, including the economy, technology research and development, etc. These archives have quite precious values. In recent years, the privatization of the national corporations becomes a trend. A lot of national corporations have already listed the schedule of privatization. Nevertheless, it is just a short period of time since the archival administration bureau has been established, and the archival administration of our country has just begun. There are quite a few problems in the archival administration of the privatization and relevant transfer questions.
This research aims to investigate the national corporations listed in the schedule of privatization after the implementation of the Laws of archives. This study also discusses the archival administration of each government business, the transfer questions of the archives in privatization, and the current situation about how the file administration bureau investigates the national corporations. In this way, we may understand the transfer questions that may occur in the process of privatization with reference to other national corporations that will do the privatization in the future.
This research adopts the case analysis and the deep interview to carry on research. Firstly, we investigate practically the national corporations listed in the schedule of privatization after the implementation of the Laws of archives. These businesses include Taiyan Company, Tai Power Company, China shipbuilding Corp., and Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corp. In this way, we could understand the management about the national corporations and the changes of the organization after privatization. On the other hand, by the deep interview, we could understand the processes and problems of the archival collection and transfer in the process of privatization. We also try to understand the transfer questions that may occur in the process of privatization to collect the current situation about how the file administration bureau investigates the national corporations.
The following are some points derived from the research result targeted at the relevant problems concerning archive administration in the process of privatization of national corporation:
1. The issue of the archive patent rights is faced by all branches of the national corporations.
2. The national corporations are still facing many difficulties in tracking and constructing the archives.
3. There are no laws to abide by for the bureaus to establish archive office
4. There is a wide gap in the archive administration between each branch and the National Archives
5. The plan of investigating national corporations is too short in the process, and the lasting time is too short, too.
6. The loosen regulations of the archive administration of the earlier decades have caused the loss of some archives
7. If there is reduction in the organization of a national corporation, the organization that takes up the archives mostly has few abilities to manage them after reduction.
8. The archives chosen by the investigation plan of national corporations are forever-preserving ones, but the unselected ones are not properly managed yet.
9. The fixed number of years of the archives of each organization is mostly changing, and this makes it more difficult to select the archives.
According to the above questions, the author proposes the following suggestions:
1. Make relevant contracts about the archives that are problematic in right of monopoly or in right of ownership as soon as possible.
2. Examine in prior the national corporation organizations that are listed in the schedule of privatization.
3. Establish the national archival office or the national archival vault as soon as possible.
4. Apply properly the unselected archives of the national corporations.
5. As a national corporations, set up the digitization management of the archives. |
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Description: | 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 92155015 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0921550151 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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