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    Title: 能力本位教育應用在圖書館員網路繼續教育課程設計
    Authors: 丁嘉仁
    Chia-jen Ting
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Chia-jen Ting
    Keywords: 網路教學
    Web-based Instruction
    Continuing Education
    Competency-Based Education
    Continuing Professional Development
    Continuing Professional Education
    Online Learning
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 12:00:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著資訊科技的快速演進,圖書館員勢必應持續接受專業繼續教育學習新知識與新技能,提升館員本身的資訊素養,與時並進,方能提供讀者更高品質的資訊服務。本研究之目的在於瞭解圖書館員網路繼續教育課程發展的概況,並針對我國圖書館員進行「圖書資訊選擇與採訪概論」網路繼續教育課程的設計與評鑑,藉此瞭解利用網路教學方式進行圖書館員繼續教育的成效。







    This study mainly discusses developing and evaluating a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach. It covers four main goals as follows, firstly, to investigate the characteristics and theories of web-based instruction; secondly, to explore the theories and applications of the competency-based education; thirdly, to design a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach; finally to develop a continuing education competency assessment model which is integrated into above web-based continuing education course.

    This study was conducted by literature review, quasi-experimental method, questionnaire survey, to obtain the theorem of designing a web-based continuing education course for librarians with competency–based education approach. In order to evaluate the web course and the students’ competency, this study uses the summative evaluation and student’s learning outcomes assessment with fix methods of questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews.

    After the web-based continuing education course was finished, the questionnaires were distributed to students after they took the web-based course. At of the 8 surveyed questionnaires of 8 students in the web course, 8 responded and 8 validated. The overall findings were highly consistent with the students’ viewpoints to the web-based continuing education course. Besides, most of them agreed this web-based was useful and valuable for their working.

    More discussion and suggestions were made in the in-depth interviews. Hopefully, the study findings are expected to drive the competency-based education approach in designing and development a formal web-based continuing education course for librarians in Taiwan in the future.
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