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Title: | 我國國家檔案徵集政策之研究 A Study on National Archives Acquisition Policy in Taiwan |
Authors: | 凌寶華 Ling, Pao Hua |
Contributors: | 薛理桂 Hsueh, Li Kuei 凌寶華 Ling, Pao Hua |
Keywords: | 國家檔案 檔案鑑定 檔案徵集 檔案徵集政策 檔案移轉 National Archives Archives Appraisal Archives Acquisition Archives Acquisition Policy Archives Transfer |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:59:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討我國正面臨國營事業民營化過程中可能造成產業文化資產流失,以及因應未來行政院組織法通過後單位之裁併,檔案保存可能面臨潛在之風險與危機,亟需一套完備的國家檔案徵集政策以資遵循,除將提供徵集工作之依據外,並可釐清檔案徵集主題之優先順序,以及控制入藏國家檔案之質與量,使徵集工作得以按部就班,系統化的方式進行,亦可做為我國國家檔案核心館藏建立之最佳指導方針。
根據研究結果,本研究提出十點建議為:(一)訂定國家檔案徵集政策;(二)建立國家檔案委託代管之機制;(三)建立國家檔案審選標準,充實國家檔案典藏內涵;(四)加速國家檔案的徵集,以滿足民眾需求;(五)徵集國家檔案應考量檔案內容之連貫與完整性,避免以主題方式徵集檔案;(六)國家檔案與機關檔案應釐清其定位;(七)重要科技檔案應納入國家檔案徵集策略或計畫,以滿足社會大眾對於科技研究的期望;(八)配合國家檔案之移轉策略,排定國家檔案鑑選之優先順序;(九)設置國家檔案館並儘速辦理國家檔案移轉;(十)加強培養檔案專業管理人員,以因應國家檔案徵集典藏之需求。 This research is mainly discusses our country to face in the state-operated enterprise privatization process to create the industrial culture property outflow possibly, as well as will organize Fathom in accordance to the future Executive Yuan consolidation of the unit, the archives preservation to face the latent risk and the crisis possibly from now on, will need a set of complete national archives acquisition policy to follow as a means, besides will provide basis of the acquisition work, and may define clearly the file collection subject the order of priority, as well as will control into nature and the quantity of the national archives. In addition, the acquisition work along a prescribed path, systematization`s way will carry on for establishment the best directive of our country national archives core collection.
This research utilizes “the documentary analysis” and “in-depth interview” to study conducts the research, besides discusses our country national archives appraisal to elect with the shifting strategy, as well as draws up the national archives acquisition policy to take an examination ponders the factor and so on, and to the U.S, British, Australia and Canada four countries to the national archives acquisition work impetus present situation, synthesizes induces and compares.
This research take the archives controlling organization (National Archives Administration), the central level institution (Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior), the historical archives repositories(Taiwan Historical, National Palace Museum, Institute Modern History research archives Academia Sinica and Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica) and the local authority records management units (Taipei City government, Kaohsiung City government, Chiayi County government records center and Institute of Yilan County Historical) and so on four levels, 13 units as the main interview objects of study. The inquire deeply above unit records management situation, the archive reservation characteristic, preserved present situation and the unit has the permanent preserved value, conforms to the shifting National Archives Administration to become statistics of quantity the national archives, and to national archives viewpoints and the suggestions the acquisition policy formulation, and on our country national archives collection content with the order of priority. In addition, the related national archives regarding the social value, the function view, and aimed at the object of study sampling interview 26 archives users, in order to understood that its archives use experience and to the national archives use demand, the national archives collection content suggestion and the view, did take the time as our country drafts reference of the national archives acquisition policy.
According to the findings, this research proposed that six conclusions are: 1. the quality and quantity of national archives are urgently awaits to strengthen; 2. a risk the permanent preserved value archives urgently awaits to transfer; 3. the definition of the national archives has to clarified; 4. our country not yet constructs the national archives at present, is unable to collect the national archives massively; 5. shortage of national archives acquisition policy and affects the national archives quality; 6. the choose of national archives is time-consuming, cuts the archives transfer efficiency.
According to the findings, this research proposed that ten suggestions are: 1. schedules the national archives acquisition policy; 2. establishes mechanism of the national archives request substitute management; 3. establishes the standard of national archives examination, substantial national archives collection; 4. accelerates the national archives the collection, meets the populace need; 5. acquisition the national archives to consider linking up of the archives content with the integrity, avoids by the specific subjects; 6. both the national archives and the institution records should define clearly; 7.the important science and technology archives should be included into the national archives acquisition strategy or the plan, satisfies the social populace regarding the technical research expectation; 8. coordinates transfer strategy of the national archives, sets up the national archives appraisal to choose the order of priority; 9. establishes the national archives and as fast as possible handles national archives transferring; 10. strengthens the raise archives professional, by demand in accordance to the national archives acquisition. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 94155003 94 |
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