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    Title: 數位圖書館學習網站之研究
    Authors: 李明珊
    Lee, Ming-Shan
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Lee, Ming-Shan
    Keywords: 數位學習
    Digital Learning
    Learning Websites
    Digital Library
    American Memory’s Learning Page
    Digital Library for Earth System Education
    Digital Museum of Discovery of Tamsui Rive
    Date: 2003
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 11:58:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位學習是透過網際網路終身學習的管道之一,透過網際網路提供數位學習,讓人們可以不受時空的限制得以在教育學習上得到數位圖書館為數位學習帶來豐富的學習素材。
    本研究採用個案研究法,選擇美國國會圖書館的學習網(American Memory之Learning Page)、美國地球數位圖書館的地球系統教育(DLESE)以及我國淡水河溯源數位博物館為個案研究對象,研究目的在探討數位圖書館學習網站在教育學習的應用及其數位學習架構,包括探究數位圖書館之意涵、特色與應用、數位學習的意涵與發展、數位學習架構的要件與設計、數位圖書館學習架構之模式,並進一步對我國數位圖書館學習網站發展提出建議,最後根據研究結果提出「數位圖書館學習模式芻議」。
    Digital library is studied to pass on the internet network lifetime study channels, offer the digit to study through the internet network, let people not be restricted by space-time and be educating in study to receive the digital library to study for the digit bring the abundant study material.
    The method of case study was used, choose the Library of Congress American Memory’s Learning Page, Digital Library for Earth System Education, and the Digital Museum of Discovery of Tamsui River were used as the case research subjects. The purpose of the study is to understand the digital library studies websites and educates the application, and several in education and study structure, including probe into the meaning of the digital library, characteristic with use, several meaning of study and develop, several between important document and design, digital library to study structure study, and study website’s development and put forward the suggestion on the digital library of our country further. Then proposing the digital library study preliminary model from the result.
    According to the result of the study, it provided a digital library study preliminary model, this model can divide into two major parts, first parts of the digital library and second parts of studying websites respectively. Several digital libraries study structure and sum up ten great one, analyze according to the summing up of this thesis, study the structure on several of digital libraries to divide into ten great one, including: (1)Speciality of digital library; (2)The digit hall hides; (3)Digit things; (4)Metadata; (5)Information retrieval; (6)Study the purpose and characteristic in digit; (7)Tutoring system ; (8)Study the system; (9)Administrative system; (10)The digit is studied and combined etc. with the digital library.
    This study is proposed: (1)Engaged in digital library learn system getting overall planning and tactics, by combining several resources and carrying on whole construction effectively; (2)Pay attention to several organization of resource and general character study each other , set up national digital library alliance management unit; (3)Expand the cooperative service range of resource-sharing of digital library, condense common understanding and group`s strength , set up the digital library and study the systematic function together, combine each side resource, give play to several resources to the greatest benefit; (4)The government unit plans the medium and long-term digital library and study the systematic development plan, sustain and promote for a long time, and foster special talents.
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    Description: 碩士
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