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Title: | 我國推動學習成就認證之研究 我國推動學習成就認證之研究 A Study on Promoting the Accreditation of Learning Achievements in Taiwan A Study on Promoting the Accreditation of Learning Achievements in Taiwan |
Authors: | 彭致翎 Peng,Chih-Ling |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 湯志民 彭致翎 Peng,Chih-Ling |
Keywords: | 非正規學習 非正規學習 學習成就認證 學習成就認證 non-formal learning non-formal learning accreditation of learning achievements accreditation of learning achievements |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:17:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要目的為:一、析論學習成就認證的意涵、取向、原則、評量與效力等重要概念;二、探討學習成就認證的學理基礎與國外相關制度之運作情形;三、探討我國學習成就認證之實施現況;四、評估並建構我國學習成就認證之可行途徑。研究方法採文獻探討與文件分析,透過質化與量化的研究,包括訪談、德懷術之應用。
三、對未來研究之建議:(一)針對實施進行檢討,並探究其相關成效;(二)可採大規模的意見調查;(三)學習成就認證之指標建立;(四)針對學習傳媒、數位學習認證等,進行相關探究。 The main purpose of this study is as follows: 1) to expound important concepts, such as meaning, orientation, principles, assessments and effects of accreditation of learning achievements; 2) to probe the basic theories concerning accreditation of learning achievements and some implementation conditions in some foreign countries; 3) to probe the current situations of accreditation of learning achievements promoted in Taiwan; 4) to evaluate and construct the feasible prototypes. Document analysis, interviews and Delphi Technique are adopted in this research.
The major findings and discussion of this study are as follows:
1. The idea of accreditation of learning achievements— the urgent need to construct and promote accreditation of learning achievements to implement lifelong learning and to emphasize that accordance with knowledge constant innovative change through lifelong learning, and learning achievements of different channels should offer the evidence of approving through the proper assessment.
2. The purpose of accreditation of learning achievements from social and individual aspects— building up the equivalent transferring mechanism between formal, non-formal learning and to combine different educational resources to the greatest benefit.
3. The approach of accreditation of learning achievements—the adoption of the integrated approach which combines the features of organization, course and personal accreditation and the adoption of the model similar to S. Korean credit bank model, Australian national qualification accreditation.
4. The category of accreditation of learning achievements— the inclusion of curriculum, certificates and experience and consideration for cognitive, affection and technical ability.
5. The principles of accreditation of learning achievements—consideration for quality, autonomy, pluralism and innovative.
6. The principles of accreditation of personal learning achievements—the development of the system of non-formal learning and its own evaluation.
7. The evaluation of learning achievements—the methods (including assessment of technical ability, learning records and portfolios, correlated curriculum examination, standardization tests, thesis or report, and interview) and learning achievement accreditation records and portfolios should be saved by the accreditation organization.
8. The operation of accreditation of learning achievements— the government playing the leading role in cooperation with the institutes, foundations, folk organizations and higher education.
9. The effects of accreditation of learning achievements-- integration with regular education, awarding a specific degree, the identification graded as obtaining a certain important ability, evidence to get promotion. There is discrepancy in the length of the credit validity within five to ten years.
10. The problems of accreditation of learning achievements—the lack of understanding accreditation of learning achievements resulting in resistance to the system, and worries for reducing the academic research level, and for the shortage of the sources of the tuition and incidental expenses.
Based upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions are made to the authorities concerned, the institutes, folk organizations, higher education, and other interested researchers.
Key words: non-formal learning, accreditation of learning achievements |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 89152505 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0891525052 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0891525052 |
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