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Title: | 蒙特梭利自由思想教育意涵之研究 |
Authors: | 莊梨青 Chuang, Li-Ching |
Contributors: | 倪鳴香 莊梨青 Chuang, Li-Ching |
Keywords: | 蒙特梭利 自由 另類教育 Montessori freedom alternation education |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:17:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著歐洲十七世紀啟蒙運動的發展,歐洲人深信人類在運用理性之下,社會是會趨向進步;而藉著教育的助力,社會的不良現象會被革除。但是傾向成人本位或課程本位的教育模式,學習者的主體性被忽視;不同於一般的教育觀點,二十世紀初蒙特梭利提出兒童本位的教育模式,希望透過教育讓生命趨向自由。從當前「另類教育」之觀點來看,蒙特梭利的教育思想重視學習主體與深刻反省教育歷程,雖然時空移至現今的台灣社會,仍有值得借鏡之處。本研究採取歷史研究法中的文獻分析法,藉由對蒙特梭利原典之詮釋,進行其自由思想的教育意涵的探討。
關鍵字:蒙特梭利、自由、另類教育 With the development of Enlightenment in Europe during the 17th century, the Europeans believed that the society would make progress and the illiteracy would be eliminated under the use of human rationality. Besides, the badness of our society would be reformed with the help of education. However, the adult-based or curriculum-based education ignored the subjectivity of learners. Montessori had a different viewpoint that the pattern of education must be children-based. She hoped that education would make life tend towards freedom. In light of the viewpoint of “alternative education” nowadays, she stresses on the learning subjectivity and the reflection of educating process. Although being in different time and space, it is still referable to us. The researcher takes literature review in historical research as the method of this study in order to have a comprehensive understanding of Montessori’s Freedom education by interpreting her masterpieces.
In this article, the researcher inquires the respect towards children and the educational blueprint constructed by Montessori through the illustration of the five elements of her origin of thoughts including the experience of teaching, the background of academic training, the ideological trend of philosophy of education, the background of her religion, and her personal traits. Then, elaborate the educational meanings of Freedom including choice, development, independence, and social through the educational process. In addition, discuss how Montessori teachers practice freedom in education and inspire children’s intelligence and potential through the four categories as follow: preparation of proper environment, providing of adaptable task, creation of social life, and fostering teachers’ spirits.
In the end, in light of Montessori’s holistic development, the researcher expounds the roles of children and teachers in learning process according to the human portraits of “uncertainty of human – hopes versus waiting”, “self-constructuon of human – creation versus companion”, and “independency of human – awakening versus enlightening”. And study the educational inspiration of Montessori’s Freedom education through the access of educational ethics.
Key words: Montessori、freedom、alternative education 第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法 9
第二章 蒙特梭利之生平與思想淵源
第一節 蒙特梭利的生平 11
第二節 思想淵源 18
第三章 兒童觀
第一節 全人發展觀 29
第二節 正常化的自由教育思想 39
第四章 教育的藍圖
第一節 教育的危機 51
第二節 教育的理想 61
第五章 自由之教育意涵與實踐
第一節 自由之相關議題 75
第二節 自由在教育行動上之實踐 83
第三節 自由之教育意涵 95
第六章 回顧與展望 101
參考文獻 107
附錄一 民國63~95年間臺灣蒙特梭利之碩博士論文 111
附錄二 蒙特梭利生平和著作年表 113
圖1-1 歷史研究法步驟 9
圖2-1 蒙特梭利實際施教經驗的影響歷程 19
圖3-1 兒童正常性格與偏差行為特徵 40
圖3-2 人格示意圖 45
圖3-3 隱藏性人格開始發展 46
圖3-4 隱藏性人格充分發展 46
圖4-1 優劣社會類型的引力圖 69
圖4-2 正常化的社會結構 70 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 教育研究所 89152004 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0891520041 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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