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Title: | 家庭作業完成時間與頻率對學習成就的影響之研究-TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料的階層線性模式分析 The Effects of homework time and homework frequency on academic achievement: A hierarchical linear modeling analysis using the TIMSS 2003 mathematics data of Taiwan |
Authors: | 洪川富 Hung, Chuan Fu |
Contributors: | 邱美秀 Chiu, Mei Shiu 洪川富 Hung, Chuan Fu |
Keywords: | 家庭作業完成時間 家庭作業頻率 階層線性模式 學習成就 homework time homework frequency Hierarchical Linear Modeling academic achievement |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 11:17:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以TIMSS 2003台灣數學科資料為資料來源,使用階層線性模式為統計分析方式,探討國小四年級及國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對於學生數學學習成就的影響。研究結果顯示:在國小四年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與學生數學學習成就為負相關;教師指派數學家庭作業頻率與學生數學學習成就之間為正相關,但並不顯著。在國中二年級,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率,對學生數學學習成就皆有正向的影響。在國小四年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為負相關,但不顯著。在國中二年級中,學生數學家庭作業完成時間與教師指派數學家庭作業頻率的交互作用,對學生數學學習成就為正相關,但不顯著。 The research was to explore the effects of mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency on mathematics achievement in the fourth and eighth grades, using TIMSS 2003 Taiwan mathematics data as the resources and Hierarchical Linear Modeling as the statistical analysis method. The results showed that in the fourth grades, mathematics homework time had a negative relationship with mathematics achievement while mathematics homework frequency had a positive, but non-significant, relationship with mathematics achievement. In the eighth grades, both mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive effects on mathematics achievement. In the fourth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had negative, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement while in the eighth grades, the interaction between mathematics homework time and mathematics homework frequency had positive, but non-significant, effects on mathematics achievement. |
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