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Title: | 東北亞地區多邊對話機制之研究 A Study on Northeast Asia Multilateral Dialogue Mechanism |
Authors: | 王韋婷 Wang, Wei-Ting |
Contributors: | 林碧炤 王韋婷 Wang, Wei-Ting |
Keywords: | 東北亞安全 多邊對話機制 北韓核武危機 多邊主義 安全對話 Northeast Asia Security Mutilateral Dialogue Mechanism North Korea nuclear crisis Mtilateralism security dialogue |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 10:10:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在歐洲、北美、東南亞等地區皆有定期、頻繁的區域對話,對話內容廣泛,不再是過去國家安全、區域安全傳統定義下的「安全對話」。然而區域對話風氣的盛行,在東北亞地區卻嗅不到一絲絲這樣的氣息。東北亞地區由於本身的歷史特殊性與地緣政治的特性,在國際關係上始終是各國利益的錯綜複雜的區域。
目前正在進行中的六邊會談正好替東北亞國家提供一個良好的基礎,雖然目前六邊會談是以解決北韓核武危機為主要,不過在六邊會談裡參與成員對等,並且六邊會談也沒有抹煞美國雙邊同盟的功能,日後東北亞國家應可以以六邊會談為基礎,討論更多區域內安全議題,促進東北亞地區的對話。東北亞地區多邊對話機制的發展可以融入冷戰結束後的新興安全觀念。如此一來反而有利既存的六邊會談進一步發展。 There is EU as a multilateral forum in Europe. There is ASEAN in Southeast Asia for Asia countries to understand policies of each country and get better transparency. The international relations between Northeast Asia countries have always been complicated and uncertain. However, there is no multilateral dialogue in Northeast Asia.
To study the multilateral dialogue mechanism, we must pay attention to Multilateralism. And because of the unique security situation in Northeast Asia after Cold War, we have also to take the cooperative security, common security and comprehensive security into consideration. Thus, we can discuss the possibility of developing a multilateral dialogue mechanism in Northeast Asia. A multilateral dialogue mechanism is a dialoguing forum that three or more countries cooperate with each other under some principles, with habits of practicing, without agenda limits, no participation limit, in order to solve security problems and reduce confrontations.
The second North Korea nuclear crisis happened in 2002. The first Six-Party Talks began in 2003 and has hold for four times until now. Six-Party Talks can be viewed as a foundation of multilateral mechanism in Northeast Asia, despite there are still some shortcomings. As long as Six-Party Talks keeps meeting, it is an achievement of dialogue for Northeast Asia countries. Six-Party Talks makes it possible that solving the crisis in a peaceful way and taking the diplomatic way to engage with DPRK.
The Japan-US Alliance is the key factor to influence the international politics in Northeast Asia. Basically, the bilateral relations between US and Asia Pacific countries have become a “wheel”. The hub of USA is a key factor of developing a multilateral mechanism or not. To develop a multilateral mechanism in Northeast Asia must cooperate with US and not against its interests in Pacific Asia. Also, Northeast Asia countries have to build their mutual confidence and interests dependence. |
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