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Title: | 中俄邊界談判史——從尼布楚條約到中俄國界東段補充協定 A History of Sino-Russian Border Negotiations: From the Treaty of Nerchinsk to the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line |
Authors: | 費彥誠 |
Contributors: | 林永芳 費彥誠 |
Keywords: | 中俄邊界問題 中蘇邊界爭議 邊界談判 中國 俄羅斯 China-Russia Border Issue Sino-Soviet Border Dispute Border Negotiations China Russia |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 10:06:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從1968年的《中俄尼布楚條約》到2004年的《中俄國界東段補充協定》,中俄邊界爭議談判歷時三百多年,在這漫長的期間內彼此的國界線也曾數度遷移。本文探討兩國國界複雜多變的形成過程,來歸納出造成雙方邊界變動的結構性因素為何。
此外,本論文的研究重點強調在各重要邊界條約的談判經過,藉著中俄雙方互相角力的過程,來剖析出兩國國界線擴張與限縮的關鍵因素,最後並以條件的滿足來解釋中俄國界得以確定。 From “The Treaty of Nerchinsk”(1689) to “The Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the China-Russia Boundary Line”(2004), negotiations on the Chinese-Russian border disputes lasted more than 300 years. In this prolonged period the demarcation line of boundaries changed several times. This thesis explores the structural factors of the complex forming process of Sino-Russian borderlines.
Actually, the conventional concept of the three border sections of east, central, and west between China and Russia comes from the long-term historical evolution. The early boundary treaties were not necessarily signed by both sides section by section. If we use the geographical taxonomy as the thesis’s analytical structure, we may understand each border section’s formation in details, but we will not capture the whole picture of Sino-Russian border negotiations because some broad-scoped treaties which comprised not just one specific border section have to be divided into sections or resulted into overlapped discussion accordingly. Alternatively, the organization of this study takes historical events chronologically to maintain the border treaties’ wholeness in their precise historical contexts.
Moreover, this thesis emphasizes the negotiation processes of important boundary treaties between China and Russia in terms of comparative power strength, which decided the expansion or shrinkage of each other’s boundary and the final settlement of Sino-Russian border dispute. |
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