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    Title: 從尤科斯事件看俄羅斯金融寡頭與政權運作之關係
    Authors: 李維軒
    Contributors: 郭武平
    Keywords: 金融寡頭
    Financial Oligarchs
    Yukos Incident
    Controllable Democracy
    Date: 2005
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 10:05:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 葉立欽時期十多年的自由民主改革實踐,使俄羅斯陷入了嚴重的困境。在殘酷的現實面前,俄羅斯人民希冀政治權威的產生。
    More than ten years of free demorcratic reforms of the Yeltsin’s era made the Russia society get into serious trouble. In face of the ruthless reality, Russian people call for the return of political authority.
    Through observing the establishment of “Yukos Group” and the development of “Yukos Incident”, we know that at the beginning of Russia transition, the financial oligarch groups came into being for deeply social reasons. With amplifying in energy, the financial oligarch groups have hampered the social development more and more seriously. After coming into power, Putin wants to promote the authoritarian political reforms and enhance president’s absolute power continuously. However, one of the challenges he faced to is the problem of Russian financial oligarch groups. Because of this, Russian president Putin was attempted to wipe out some of these oligarchs in the name of combat against economic crimes, in order to rally the popular support, to wipe out the “Family” force left by Yeltsin’s regime and replace them with a new ruling command of national security elite, and to consolidate his own power.
    Since Putin took power from Yeltsin, he has dropped empty “ Democratic” slogans and instituted “ Controllable Democracy” in the socio- political field with presidential power as the core, providing powerful guarantee for socio- political development and economic rejuvenation. Through observing the recent parliamentary and presidential elections held in Russia, it shows that Putin’s power and influence have reached the climax with the change in the balance of political forces, social mood and social ideology in Russia. With this, Russia has entered into a new period featuring “ Controllable Democracy”.
    Keywords: Financial Oligarchs, Yukos Incident, Yeltsin, Putin, Controllable Democracy
    Reference: 中文書籍
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    16. McFaul, Michael, “Generational changes in Russia.” Demokratizatsiya 11 (Washington: Winter 2003).
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0912630022
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