題名: | 甘比亞電子化政府之服務計畫 A Roadmap for Improved E-government in The Gambia |
作者: | 康娜緹 Conateh, Kumba |
貢獻者: | 山佛克萊夫 蔡瑞煌 Sanford, Clive Tsaih, Ray 康娜緹 Conateh, Kumba |
關鍵詞: | 甘比亞電子化政府 |
日期: | 2008 |
上傳時間: | 2009-09-14 09:54:20 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 甘比亞電子化政府之服務計畫 In this study, I conduct an in depth research on the e-government trends in the world and map out a way for The Gambia to follow and implement its e-government initiatives and use examples from Taiwan to plot a vibrant future for e-government in The Gambia. The lessons learnt from other countries, which are based on the literature review and their initiatives and experiences are also useful to The Gambia.
I use my experience as a civil servant of The Gambia to look at e-government strategies and practice to map the way forward for an effective and responsive e-government project for the entire government. This will enable other e-programs such as e-administration for government and e-commerce for business to take root, and replicate the successes enjoyed in Taiwan. A literature review and a case study on Taiwan’s e-government experiences are used to support my arguments and show how the government and The Gambian people can benefit. New challenges that Government must overcome and address are identified in order for it to reach its desired knowledge based society vision 2020. Finally, a roadmap for the successful implementation of e-government services is proposed for The Gambia. I will rely on data from The Gambia Government colleagues, as well as secondary data from other countries and the literature on e-Government and government innovation.
A Roadmap for improved e-government in The Gambia
Kumba Conateh Nam Tables and Figures…………………...…………………………………………........3
Abstract 5
Acknowledgments 6
Thesis Project Outline 8
1. Introduction 10
2. Background about The Gambia 13
3. ICT in Africa 21
4. ICT development in The Gambia 35
5. e-Government literature review 40
6. Taiwan case study 52
7. Road map for enhanced e-government in The Gambia 75
8. Conclusions and Recommendations………………………………90
9. References……………………………………………………... 98
10. Additional Resources………………………………………..102 |
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Canada: Thomson Course Technology Taiwan Government Portal www.gov.tw Tapscott, Don (1996) The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the Age of Network Intelligence, New York: McGraw-Hill. Tapscott, Don (1998) Growing up Digital: the rise of the net generation, New York: McGraw-Hill The 2008 Global Technology Report, World Economic Forum (WEF) http://www.weforum.org/en/initiatives/gcp/GlobalInforamtionTechnology Report/index.htm The 2008 Global Enabling Trade Report, World Economic Forum(WEF) http://www.weforum.org/en/initiatives/gcp/GlobalEnablingTradeReport/index.htm The Executive Yuan, Taiwan Challenge 2008: National Development Plan (2003) The Future of Information Society retrieved from http:www.idc.com Taiwan Electronic Governance Forum 2008(participant as an Intern of RDEC) Organised by Taiwan e-Governance Research Centre, RDEC in Taipei, September 12, 2008 “Taiwan passes 100% cellular penetration level”, Cellular News, on June 2002 (www.cellular-news.com/story/6994.shtml). Ubiquitous Network Society, e-Taiwan Challenge 2008 program, December, 2007 Science and Technology Advisory Group, Executive Yuan United Nations (2000) “Development and international cooperation in the XXI century: the role of information technology in the context of a knowledge-based global economy” Report of the Secretary General, economic and Social Council, New York: United Nations, May 16. United States Government Service Administration ‘on Taiwan’s e-ranking’ website http://gsa.gov/portal UNDP Human development Report, 2007 UNECA website http://www.uneca.org/aisi/GambiaE-Govworkshopdeclaration/htm http://www.scanict-gbos.gov.gm/docs/scan/execuitve/pdf UNPAN (United Nations Online Network in Public Administration and Finance) http://www.unpan.org World Economic Forum (WEF) and INSEAD (2003) The global Information Report 2002-2003: readiness for the Networked world. Oxford University Press World Market Research website http://www.wmrc.com Zulu, B. 2008a “e-government and democracy” quoting Modibo Diarra, Chairman of Microsoft Africa on IDG News, May 2008 http://websitewww.idgnews.net Zulu, B. 2008b “IT as an Enabler”, quoting CEO, Microsoft Corporation Blamer, Steve (2008) from IDG News website http://www.idgnews.net Additional Resources: ITU Information Society Statistics database. There were 2.17 billion mobile phone subscribers in January 2006. International Telecommunications Union Reports from 2001-2008, from http://www.itu.int/net/home/index.aspx ITU databases on WSIS Summit - http://www.itu.int/wsis/promotional /outcome.pdf United Nations Statistics Division - http:// www.unstat.un.org/unsd/databases.htm UNPAN databases Annual reports - http://unpan.org World Bank - http://www.worldbank.org Notes: According to the Centre for International Development at Harvard University, Taiwan is rated “excellent” in Internet preparedness. The World Markets research Centre has agreed with this assessment, observing that Taiwan government institutions provide top online services. The Centre for Public Policy at Brown University in a report Global E-Government has ranked Taiwan in the top five since 2002. In 2008, Taiwan ranked no.2 after South Korea. This author has worked in the Taiwan e-government office and saw first seriously the government of ROC takes matter relating to e-government. It is all aimed at maintaining Taiwan’s competitive edge and giving the citizens the best. Taiwan one of the four tigers of Asia, the others are Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore. It is worthy to note that these four tigers are also in the forefront of the e-government leading countries. Dr. Sung, Joo Park is an e-government expert and Professor at the Korean Advanced Institute for science and Technology- Conversation took place on November, 2008. |
描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理碩士班(IMBA) 96933001 97 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0969330011 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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