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Title: | 宏都拉斯觀光業對其經濟發展影響之探討 Honduras Tourism Business and its Economic Development |
Authors: | Flores Ruiz,Selin |
Contributors: | 吳文傑 Flores Ruiz,Selin |
Keywords: | 觀光業 經濟發展 Tourism Business Economic Development |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:49:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Tourism is a very important factor for the socioeconomic and cultural development of a country, because of the diversity of natural and non common activities that brings economic growth; tourism is a generator instrument of foreign currency inflow, it is an activity that canalizes many investments, to produce a huge economic expansion; generating a market of diversified jobs, it also could have a low investment in comparison with another economic sector, generating a positive balance of payments and most of all, it develops many local activities that will be discussing along the present thesis.
Therefore, tourism is the key of success of every developing country, such as Honduras, that wants to eliminate poverty and low social income. Being the Tourism sector one of the world’s largest industries, the revenues that it generates have grown increasingly important for the global economy. The industry does not only benefit the country by creating new jobs and bringing in foreign currency, but also by strengthening national identity, growing education, increasing development and competitiveness, and giving Hondurans a higher standard of living.
Trend analysis was utilized in this paper to present the positive realities of tourism in general, while focusing on Honduras as a developing country in Central America and the Caribbean region. The analysis will link the importance of tourism to the economy and recognize the impacts in the Honduras economy.
This paper will serve as an outlook for the world tourism economy, Latin America economy as well as the Caribbean and Central American area, offering perspectives that can help Honduras develop tourism business, maintain its growth as well as the conservation of the environment, leverage and expanding threw the whole country as well as building strategies for eco-tourism development as the main or core business. List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
List of Acronyms viii
Abstract x
Chapter 1:
1.1 Importance of Thesis Focus 1
1.2 Thesis Objective 2
1.3 General Hypothesis 3
1.3.1 Research Questions 3
1.4 Methodology 4
1.5 Research Limitations 5
1.6 Thesis Structure 5
Chapter 2:
2.1 Definitions 8
2.2 The Tourism Industry 10
2.2.1 The World Wide and Regional Tourism 12
2.3 Tourism and Economic Development 14
2.4 Tourism and Government 16
2.5 Tourism Impact on Economic and Business Development 18
Chapter 3:
3.1 Honduras General Data 23
3.2 Discover Honduras 25
3.2.1 Mayan Renaissance 26
3.2.2 Tropical Nature 28
3.2.3 Caribbean Creation 32
3.3 Tourism Policies and Institutions in Honduras 35
3.4 Competitive advantages for the Honduras Tourism Policies in the Area 39
3.4.1 Incentives offered for Some Central American Governments for Tourism Development 39
3.4.2 New strategy of geo tourism for a country that has everything 40
3.4.3 Pioneer Tourist Model of Honduras is World Wide Leader 41
3.5 Current Tourism Projects in Honduras 43
Chapter 4:
4.1 Actual Economic Situation in Honduras 47
4.1.1 Balance of Payments 48
4.2 Tourism in Latin America 49
4.3 Tourism in Central America 52
4.4 Tourism in Honduras 53
4.4.1 Competitive Advantage of Honduras Over Central American Countries 55
4.5 Tourism Magnitude for Economic Development in Honduras 57
4.5.1 Tourist Arrival Trend 57
4.5.2 Tourists and Tourists Expenses in Honduras 59
4.5.3 Who are Honduras’ Main Customers in the Tourism Industry 60
4.5.4 Cruise Arrivals 61
4.5.5 Hotel Industry 63
4.5.6 Job Creation 64
4.5.7 Tourism’s Contribution as a Poverty Reduction Strategy 66
Chapter 5:
5.1 Ecotourism 67
5.2 Ecotourism Versus Protected Areas 68
5.3 Honduras Protected Areas 70
5.4 Ecotourism Development in Honduras 71
5.5 Ecotourism Versus Tourism 72
5.6 Building an Ecotourism Strategy Development in Honduras 77
5.6.1 Vision 78
5.6.2 Goals 78
5.6.3 Specific Objectives 78
5.6.4 Image and Positioning 80
5.6.5 Indicators for an Ecotourism Development Strategy 80
5.6.6 SWOT Analysis for Ecotourism in Honduras 81
5.7 Strategies for Ecotourism Development in Honduras 84
Chapter 6:
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理碩士班(IMBA) 94933036 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094933036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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