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Title: | 臺灣金融控股公司客戶關係管理行動方案的成功關鍵 Critical Successful Factors of CRM Initiative For Financial Holding Company In Taiwan |
Authors: | 賈景光 |
Contributors: | 沈中華 賈景光 |
Keywords: | 客戶關係管理行動方案 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:46:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 臺灣金融控股公司客戶關係管理行動方案的成功關鍵 Across the global business community today, it is common knowledge that "doing CRM right" is not a mantra to be taken lightly. When achieved, CRM done right can significantly impact and transform a company, helping enable it to grow more profitably by serving its customers more intelligently. At its best and fullest, CRM does more than just automate a call center or improve a sales report; for those companies up to the challenge of "doing CRM right," it can transform them – culturally, structurally, and strategically.
The objective of this research is to explore answers focus on financial holding company in Taiwan by leveraging IBM Global CRM study result:
• What is driving CRM success, and how are they different than the 20 to 30 percent having some success, and the remaining 55 to 65 percent that are truly struggling?
• How can this success be replicated to improve CRM performance in other companies so that CRM yields its full potential?
Based on financial holding companies in Taiwan survey, these study results focus on how to make that happen, strategically and pragmatically. To succeed and realize full value from CRM, there must be a resounding focus on culture, manifested through the CRM approach steps of change management, process change, CRM strategy, stakeholder assessment and governance, while balancing capabilities and risks to enact the right plans and actions at the right time, given the impact of influencers such as competitive environment and regulatory issues, size and scope of project and company starting point. Abstract 2
2.1 CRM Initiative Concept 6
2.2 Aligned CRM with Organization 8
2.3 The Use of CRM Initiative 14
2.4 The Impact of CRM on Value Chain Processes 15
2.5 Top Management for CRM Initiatives 17
2.6 CRM best practices in the financial Industry 18
2.7 CRM Agenda for Taiwan’s Financial Holding Company 22
3.1 Research Framework 27
3.2. Sample Organizations and Respondents 28
4.1 Taiwan Financial Holding Company Survey Result 29
4.2 Success Driver Analysis 30
4.3 Addressing CRM roadblocks 33
4.4 The Human Side of CRM 34
4.5 The Importance of the Business Case and ROI 35
4.6 Corporate Level Relevance of CRM 37
4.7 Aligning CRM with Stakeholders 38
4.8 Key Findings from the Survey 40
4.9 Rules of Thumb for Future CRM Initiative 43
6.1 Limitation and future research 51
Appendix A: 55 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理碩士班(IMBA) 92933012 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0092933012 |
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