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Title: | 從費率自由化之實施剖析台灣汽車險之未來 |
Authors: | 陳伯燿 |
Contributors: | 王儷玲 陳伯燿 |
Keywords: | 費率自由化 產險 車險 附加保費 危險保費 rate deregulation property/Casualty insurance auto insurance loading expenses risk premium |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:39:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國加入WTO之後,為因應先進國家自由化、國際化的潮流和趨勢,以及追求我國保險制度的健全發展,保險主管機關乃決定將過去長期採用的規章費率改為自由費率。而為了避免對保險業的衝擊過大,乃將整個費率自由化的時程分成三個階段實施,以達到逐步開放產險市場的目標。費率自由化的目的主要是希望能藉此廢除不合理干預市場機制的法規,並建立合理的競爭環境,以及保護消費者的權益等。事實上,費率自由化並不是盲目的開放市場,而是藉由有制度的監理,確保保險業有足夠的清償能力,並且維護市場秩序和紀律。
本篇論文主要目的係探討費率自由化之相關議題。首先介紹費率自由化之意義與實施源由,接著將闡述各歐美先進國家之發展狀況與衝擊,最後,則根據各國實施費率自由化的經驗,以及我國汽車保險市場的實際情況,提出實施費率自由化後的趨勢分析,而面對未來車險市場的變革,也提出個人幾點因應之道,期望所有的保險業者都能藉由努力提昇獲利力,在競爭的車險市場中各占有一席之地,並且也期盼本文對於日後在費率自由化的研究上,能提供業者作為參考。 After Taiwan’s entrance into WTO, insurance authorities decide to follow the trend of internationalization and liberalization and adopt rate deregulation, for soundness development of insurance market. To avoid heavy impact on insurance companies, authorities divide the plan of rate deregulation into three phases, in order to open the property/casualty market gradually. The objective of deregulation is to eliminate the improper control, and to establish a rational competition environment for protecting consumers’ rights. In fact, the main purpose of rate deregulation is to ensure insurers’ solvency and to maintain the discipline of the insurance market.
The implementation of rate deregulation is an inevitable trend in the world, many insurers make a great deal of efforts to develop the various products and channels to increase market share. From the prospective of Taiwan’s condition, the first stage of rate deregulation focuses on releasing the restrictions of “loading expenses” and making “risk premium” relax limited. The main purpose of the second stage is to deregulate “risk premium” completely, but insurers should report the relevant information and files to authorities concerned in advanced. In the last stage, insurers can rate all products individually other than compulsory insurance. That is, it will be a fully liberalization stage.
The purpose of the study aims to clarify several issues. First, the study introduces the reasons of the implementation of the rate deregulation. Second, the study elaborates the background and influence of the experience of rate deregulation in every developed country as well. Meanwhile, the study makes descriptions of the current situation of Taiwan. Finally, according to the experience of rate deregulation of every country and the condition of Taiwan, the study analyzes the trend of implementation of rate deregulation and suggests several strategies to deal with the potential influence which may be helpful to insurers in Taiwan. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險研究所 91932803 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932803 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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