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Title: | 新巴賽爾協定下服務導向架構(SOA)之研究—以銀行企業金融信用風險控管流程為例 |
Authors: | 劉名旂 Lue, Ming Chi |
Contributors: | 楊建民 Yang, Jian-Min 劉名旂 Lue, Ming Chi |
Keywords: | 新巴塞爾協定 網路服務 服務導向架構 New Basel Capital Accord Web Services Service-Oriented Architecture |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:17:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 目前對於新巴塞爾協定的內部評量法,相關機構與學者都有進行研究,也發展出眾多不同的信用風險模型,但是對於金融機構而言如何分析各階段所需要的資訊,並透過資訊科技彈性的選擇相關方法,在眾多方法中尋找出真正符合銀行內部需求的評估模型,並且在授信的過程中將許多分散在不同資訊系統的資訊藉由一個有效的資訊架構,適時的提供給主管人員作為評估審核的決策依據,以及控管流程的進行,最後更進一步的計提資本,以符合新巴塞爾協定的規範,是目前金融機構最重要的課題。
因此本研究發展一套服務導向架構的系統平台,將符合新巴塞爾規範下信用風險模型使用的過程與方法以網路服務的方式模組化,銀行可以藉由系統平台所提供的流程架構,搜尋符合新巴塞爾協定的信用風險模型並加以測試與使用。本研究並以一般銀行企業貸款的流程為基礎,提出一個資訊架構來建構銀行企業貸款控管流程,並建置一套企業線上貸款雛型系統,將授信人員所需資訊,透過系統化的方式呈現出來以作為決策的參考,並透過信用風險模組計算其違約機率,最後計算此貸款所需計提的資本,以符合新巴塞爾協定規範。 Several related institutes and scholars have been researched and developed various credit risk models based on the internal ratings based approach of New Basel Capital Accord. However, for finance corporations, how to analyze the information required for every stage, select relevant methods flexibly through information technology, find manners that really match the evaluation model required for banks, then provide managers the estimative examine to stand on decision properly by establishing an effective information construction from scattered different information system during trust.
Furthermore, proposing the capital to fit New Basel Capital Accord is the most important issue for finance corporations.
Therefore, this research develops a systematic platform based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and modulates the processes and methods used for credit risk models that match New Basel Capital Accord by Web Services; thus, banks can test and use the credit risk model that matches New Basel Capital Accord by searching the process framework provided by systematic platform. This research is also based on the loan procedure of general corporate lending and proposes a systematic framework to build up the control process for corporate lending. Moreover, by establishing a system for online corporate lending, the information required for trustees can be presented as indications of decision through systematization, and calculates the proposed capital required for the loan by counting the default probability via credit risk model to fit New Basel Capital Accord. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 92356006 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923560061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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