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    Title: 建構一個供應鏈資訊分享機制:不確定構念之發展及虛擬整合之應用
    Forming an Information Sharing Mechanism in Supply Chains: A Development of Uncertainty Constructs and Application to Virtual Integration
    Authors: 戴逸民
    Tai, Yi-Ming
    Contributors: 季延平

    Chi, Yen-Ping
    Ho, Chin-Fu

    Tai, Yi-Ming
    Keywords: 供應鏈管理
    Supply chain management
    Uncertainty constructs measurement
    Information sharing mechanism
    Date: 2004
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 09:15:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 供應鏈的運作過程包含一系列的價值創造活動,這些活動乃是由許多不同的組織所負責執行,且每個活動之間存在相互影響的關係。在這一牽涉跨組織合作的價值網絡中,所遭遇的困難主要是來自跨組織互動過程中所隱藏的不確定問題,而這些問題的產生主要導因於供應鏈夥伴間的活動缺乏調和。針對供應鏈分散管控結構所衍生出的問題,近年來以資訊科技為基礎的跨組織系統 (inter-organizational system, IOS)提供了有效的解決方案。此IOS的形成,主要是認為透過IOS的應用,供應鏈組織可藉由跨組織資訊分享的力量來改善夥伴間的協調以及資源整合。而此意謂IOS的效益產生端賴系統內建的資訊分享機制能相容於供應鏈結構特徵,並能有效協助組織來因應所面臨的不確定問題。是以,建立一個相容於環境的資訊分享機制是配置IOS解決方案過程的重要關鍵,且對於供應鏈不確定的診斷在資訊分享機制規劃過程有其重要性存在。
    Supply chain management is a complicated task because of uncertainties involved. The uncertainty that occurs in the processes of inter-organizational coordination is due to a lack of harmony in supply chain participant activities. Recent developments in Inter-organizational Systems (IOS) have contributed to the provision of IT-based solutions for harmonizing supply chain participant activities. Applying IOS to the supply chain often attempts to improve the efficiency of coordination and resource integration among participants via inter-organizational information sharing. This intention implies that the effectiveness of IOS depends on whether information sharing mechanism built into the system can fit for supply chain characteristics and can help the supply chain cope with uncertainties that disrupt the integration of the supply chain. Hence, establishing an environment-suited information sharing mechanism is critical in deploying IOS solutions, and diagnosing supply chain uncertainties is important in planning information sharing mechanism.
    Diagnosing supply chain uncertainties is a complex and challenging task, it needs a structural framework to support in analyzing the intricacy of interactions among supply chain members, resulting in the construction of an instrument to assist in the understanding of uncertainty-related behaviors of supply chain participants. Therefore, this study takes a structural approach to produce a validated uncertainty scale, and applies a case study approach with this instrument to investigate the uncertainty problems in a specific supply chain type, convergent assembly supply chain. After understanding the uncertainty problems, this study proposed a reference model to assist this supply chain type in planning an information sharing mechanism, leading to a well-suited IT framework to improve supply chain integration.
    Falling short of a sounding information sharing mechanism is central to the problems in convergent assembly supply chain based upon the findings of case studies. The incompatibility between supply chain environment and existing information sharing practices has led to the problems in demand variation and material supply. Based on the characteristics of supply chain environment, planning inter-organizational coordination and information sharing simultaneously can effectively resolve the supply chain problems. Moreover, the research results suggested that the pattern of information sharing is influenced by the scale and severity of the uncertainty embedded in supply chain. In the case of convergent assembly supply chain, information sharing is focused on issues related to material supply owing to the structural characteristics of supply chain. The combination of participants in supply side is more complex and is not familiar with the leading company as demand side’s participants. Therefore, it needs to pay more attention for establishing information sharing among supply side’s participants.
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