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Title: | 企業整合軟體在電信業應用之研究-以某電信公司案為例 |
Authors: | 陳麗慧 |
Contributors: | 姜國輝 陳麗慧 |
Keywords: | 企業應用整合軟體 客戶關係管理系統 帳務系統 開通系統 加值服務應用平台系統 EAI CRM Billing System Provisioning System Application Platform |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:13:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,電信業已由寡占走向了完全競爭市場,伴隨著消費者意識的抬頭,有限的市場大餅,更侷限了用戶數的大躍進,因此各家電信營運商無不卯足全力,專注在提供吸引消費者的產品、資費方案、以及ARPU(Average-Revenue-Per-User)的提昇…等議題上。企業要如何面對競爭慘烈的市場?如何保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?基於上述事項,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標就更加重要了,而EAI 的功能,提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進而協助企業降低整合風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化供應商的合作關係,進而產生對企業的效益。
電信業者在系統建置中,如何有效運用企業整合軟體之特性來整合各異質性平台應用系統,以達到資訊的整合,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致的資訊,進而提高資訊的可用度及客服人員及門市人員對客戶的服務,增加企業的競爭力。 Telco has already been moving toward perfect competitive market since last decade. Meanwhile, along with the ideology of consumers that dominates the trend and momentum of open market. It also blocked the growth rate of subscribers in domestic market. Under such circumstance, all Operators are fully concentrating on value-added product, tariff, rate plan…and so on, to attract consumers so that Operators are able to increase the ARPU (Average-Revenue-per-User).
How to face the severe competitive market? How to maintain the flexibility of internal process to adopt the drastic changing market? Based upon above mentioned issues, it is very important to use information technology to approach this target. Nevertheless, the functionality of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) offers an all-in-one solution and integration to application system. Still, it also maintains the flexibility of process flow. Further more, it reduces the risk of enterprise integration and saves cost in terms of implementation and maintenance. On the other hands, EAI is not only to enhance the relationship of suppliers but also generate the synergy of enterprise.
The purpose of this theme is to deeply analyze the critical process inside company. Besides, it also points out that how to use EAI in Telco field for the purpose of gaining benefit to Operator. Telco’s IT system includes CRM (Customer relationship management), Billing system, Provision, and the platform of value-added service and application. After installing EAI, it is able to offer the synchronization among all application system and capable to expedite the response time of decision makers.
In addition, it is very important to use EAI to integrate the different application platform. After that, EAI is able to consolidation all necessary information and deliver all users with same information just in time. Customer Service Division and Chain Store could transfer this power to secure better services to consumers then enlarge the competition of enterprise. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 93932621 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093932621 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊管理學系] 學位論文
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