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Title: | 運用創新科技提昇病人安全之研究以台灣醫院為例 Improving Patient Safety Using Emerging Information Technology based on Taiwan Hospital Cases Research |
Authors: | 趙嘉成 Chao,Victor |
Contributors: | 季延平 Chi,YanPing 趙嘉成 Chao,Victor |
Keywords: | 病人安全 創新科技 patient safety, mobile, RFID, Emerging Technology |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:12:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Applying information technology (IT) to support or magnify a competitive business strategy has been recognized which IT had adopted by enterprises. Many examples of various enterprises illustrate applying IT to create and sustain competitive advantage. Applying information strategy is becoming a trend for success and also for coping with dramatic environmental changing.The Institute of Medicine (IOM) brought patient safety issue into the public attention in its 1999 report “To Err is Human”. It is estimated those medical errors responsible for 44,000 and 98,000 deaths in the United States per year. Medical errors are causing patient’s death, permanent loss of health functions, etc.. Facing on these errors, main strategy for preventing errors is applying IT strategy. Many studies and surveys show that information technology can effectively reduce the rate of medical care errors and adverse events, up to 50%.Thus, information technology plays the role as a gatekeeper for promoting and protecting patient safety in various fields of medical care.
The object of this thesis is from historical review to explore various IT strategies adopted by hospitals to improve patient safety and to explore of Taiwan hospitals applying patient safety information technologies to pursue patient safety and its contribution. We are designing this research by three phases. Phase I study, various of SCI literature review from 1990 to 2005 and in-depth interview with physicians, administrators from hospital was used to collect the data. Phase II study; from previous literature reviewed, the model and comments will gather from Phase I interviews to develop a structured questionnaire. Phase III study, In order to reduce the probability of misinterpretation, a Delphi approach was used to further revise and validate the extended framework, which has been synthesized from Phase I and Phase II study. Patient safety has become an important trend and international health facilities operation guidelines. Therefore, hospitals need a well-developed plan to implement in the near future by steps to achieve risk free hospital for patient treatment. We are happy to share our findings to hospitals and learn more on what we can do to make the hospital a safer place for all type of errors.Hospitals not only pursuing a patient safety goal by innovative information technologies but also diffusing, assiminating as a trend of enhance patient safety era.
Key Words: Patient Safety, Medical Error, RFID, Electronic Medical Record. |
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