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Title: | 我國國際物流未來發展之研究 |
Authors: | 方念德 Fang,Nien Te |
Contributors: | 周宣光 Chou,Shrang Kuang 方念德 Fang,Nien Te |
Keywords: | 國際物流 第三方物流 第四方物流 供應鏈 通關自動化 |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:12:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 面對國際貿易環境全球化,國內企業經營發展策略與目標已經從本土拓展到全球。目前許多國際大型企業(例如HP、DELL)在勞動與土地成本較低廉之東南亞與大陸等地選擇供應商進行全球採購,或將生產基地移至當地,再將採購之產品銷往母國或行銷至全球市場。而扮演供應商的台灣企業將營運總部與設計等部門留在台灣,因此跨國生產所需的原物料、到成品配送之物流控管相當重要。
目前國外國際物流的發展現況與趨勢,對我國國際物流的發展影響,以及我國製造產業大量外移中國大陸、高科技產業對供應鏈整合服務的需求,業者如何提出完整的物流服務架構,我國國際物流業者能否發展成為第四方物流,以此第四方物流共同服務兩岸三地市場。故本研究之目的要探討在國際貿易全球化的趨勢下,國際物流的發展方向為何,對我國物流產業的影響分析及探討我國第四方物流讀未來規劃。 Taiwan enterprises have shifted their business strategy and goal from the domestic to the global market in order to adapt themselves to the globalization trend. Today, multinational corporations such as HP and DELL either set up their purchase center at South East Asia or/and China to locate their suppliers, or they move their manufacturing plant to those areas where labor cost and land cost are relatively cheaper. These MNCs later ship the products they purchase or produce in low cost areas to their headquarters or global marketplace. As for Taiwanese enterprises who play the role as the suppliers in this global value chain, since their headquarters and R&D centers are normally located in Taiwan while they need to ship the raw materials and finished goods to overseas, the logistics management becomes a critical issue.
In aim to become the ‘global logistics center’, airfreight or courier express is used by the enterprises for global delivery in greater scale in the recent years. At the same time, Taiwan Customs has simplified the customs clearance procedures which they named it ‘Simplified Clearance for Express Consignment’ to shorten the cargo clearance time and facilitate the paperless customs clearance for courier express service providers like UPS, DHL and FEDEX. This beneficial act to the big courier express players creates stronger competition and threat to the local global logistics service providers who are the majority in the marketplace but with smaller company size. Even though under the severe competition, Taiwan local logistics service providers didn’t expand their service, nor enhance their management information system, nor cultivate professional staff to improve the service quality.
Facing the unceasing requirements from the enterprises, global logistics service providers are merely struggling to fulfill the present needs of the customs, few of them can provide additional logistics services. Since the service and business scope of logistics industry is very wide; and given the constitution of Taiwanese global logistics service providers, the only solution to improve the competitiveness of Taiwan global logistics industry is to integrate the logistics industry both vertically and horizontally with the support of the information technology. This paper will discuss the integration solution and the best candidate to integrate the logistics industry. Based on the study of the development trend of the logistics industry in foreign countries and the local logistics industry analysis, this paper will discuss the future development of Taiwan global logistics service providers and explore the possibility of developing forth-party logistics in Taiwan.
Observing the current status and the development trend of the foreign global logistics industry, as well as the strong needs to integrate the supply chain for local high-tech industry, this paper will present the architecture of the logistics service in aim to develop into forth-party logistics to serve the cross-strait market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊管理研究所 91932610 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932610 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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