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    Title: 電子商務網站信任管理之研究
    The Study of E-Commerce Trust Management
    Authors: 邱顯貴
    Chiu, Hsien-Kuei
    Contributors: 楊亨利
    Yang, Heng-Li
    Chiu, Hsien-Kuei
    Keywords: 電子商務
    business model
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14 09:08:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究係提出一個能夠讓企業經營的購物網站值得消費者信任之管理模式,以期幫助業者在提昇網站信任方面,有具體的目標和施力點。該模式包括兩個主要的部分:(1)網站值得信任的構成因素和(2)促成網站值得信任的管理措施。有關前者部分,本研究建構網站信任的架構和各因素重要性的排序,並轉成量表和對量表的驗證。後者在探討促成業者建立網站信任的顯著影響因素,以及業者和消費者在此方面表現的認知差距之分析。此外本研究也實際將量表分別應用在網站信任對個人資訊揭露意願的影響,和購物經驗對網站信任之影響的驗證。




    This paper presents an EC-trust management model based on a series of empirical studies, in order to help website managers to develop or enhance their website trustworthiness. This model consists of (1) the website trust/trustworthiness structure and its components, and (2) the managerial measures to support the development or enhancement of the trustworthiness. The latter also includes (1) the organizational readiness and business model for the trustworthiness, (2) the gap analysis that helps finding out the differences in the trustworthiness perceptions between website managers and consumers, and (3) the potential trust accumulation via the continuously better online experiences.

    The paper conducts a four-phase research. At first, the website trustworthiness structure and its evaluation form are constructed and validated. Then, out of 476 shopping websites, 100 managers use the form to evaluate their website trustworthiness, and also fill in the questionnaire that measures their perceptions of the factors (e.g. organizational readiness and business model) influencing their website trustworthiness performances. In the third phase, 128 consumers are asked to use the same form to perceive and evaluate those websites’ trustworthiness performance, in order to measure the correlations and the gaps between the managers’ and consumers’ perceptions. Besides, the effect of trust on the willingness of personal information disclosure is also tested in this phase. Finally, in the fourth phase, this research adopts a multiple case study strategy to find out the reasons for the significant gaps identified in the third phase, and, practically, works with a case company to find out the effect of the online-shopping experience on trust in the website.

    The result shows that the website trustworthiness involves three latent factors (i.e., competence, integrity, and relation), which consist of 13 elements, and a total of 53 detailed items. The website trust/trustworthiness performance is significantly affected by their website readiness (i.e., E & T and managerial structure, IT resources, financial resources, and seal-program preparation), the perceived website importance, as well as the perceived community importance. Meanwhile, the results also show that the gaps of perceptions between website managers and consumers do exist. Therefore, to effectively enhance their website trustworthiness, they should be really consumer-oriented and improve their performance according to the gap analysis.

    Besides, there are another two exciting findings in this paper. The effect of trust on the willingness of personal-information disclosure is validated. The significant effect of shopping experiences on trust suggests that the website managers should promote customers’ online experiences to enhance their trust in the websites.
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