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Title: | 資訊滙流下廣播產業未來發展趨勢研究 |
Authors: | 蔡清嵐 Tsai,Ching-Lan |
Contributors: | 周宣光 Chou,Shrang Kuang 蔡清嵐 Tsai,Ching-Lan |
Keywords: | 數位音訊廣播 資訊滙流 數位廣播 情境分析 |
Date: | 2003 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:08:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的主要在了解資訊(數位)滙流(Information Convergence)下廣播產業發展趨勢、業者各自優勢及因應策略,內涵則以數位廣播為主要研究對象,分別包含「數位音訊廣播」、「網際網路廣播」及「3G數位廣播」等三類。
影響廣播產業發展因素眾多,其中有確定性、可預測性及不確定性三類,本文引用「產業情境模擬(Scenario Analysis)進行廣播產業未來發展趨勢之整體性研究,產業情境模擬認為不確性因素是影響產業發展最重要因素。本文分別從文獻探討,並參考專家之意見,萃取「數位技術發展」、「新廣播終端設備配合程度」、「廣播數位內容產業的興盛與否」及「經營模式的建立」等四項為不確定因素。
利用豐富內容進行加值服務,或轉型為視訊電台或Set Top Box 經營
(三)法規制定的完成 The main purpose of the research is the understanding of broadcasting industry development trend under the Information Convergence, dealers’ respective dominance and their strategies. Digital Broadcast is the main research object, including Digital Audio Broadcast, Internet Broadcast and 3G Digital Broadcast.
There are many factors influencing the Broadcasting industry, among which are categories of affirmation, prediction and uncertainty. Scenario Analysis is cited here to investigate the broadcasting industry development trend in the future. Scenario Analysis thinks the uncertainty factor influences the industry development most. With the document discussion and reference of professionals’ opinions, we abstract four parts, “digital technique development,” “coordination level of new broadcast terminal apparatus, “whether digital broadcast content industry prosperous or not,” and “the construction of business model” as uncertainty factors.
With the analysis of “Scenario Analysis”, we suggest as followed.
1.Digital Technique Aspect
(1)Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB)
“Dealers who have already entered digital broadcast
industry”should actively arrange digital channel content and
its application. They cannot promote digital broadcast
development until the government issues the business license.
“Dealers waiting in the line of the digital broadcast
industry ”suggest they cooperate with “the dealers who
have already entered digital broadcast industry,” which
enables the industry transform into digital station.
(2)3G Digital Broadcast
3G receiver so far has no model in car and this is viewed as
a perspective of the future development. To keep pace with
the future trend, the broadcasting dealers should enforce
material collection and the arrangement of digital channel.
(3)Internet Broadcast
As a station, it can work on the material collection and
design the value-added business model by using the abundant
material. If the broadband problem is solved, Internet can be
used as the main assess of transferring data in the future.
It will help all kinds of terminal apparatus produce digital
content or transform the Internet broadcast into video
2.Terminal Receiving Apparatus
(1)Integration of Terminal Receiving Apparatus
It is necessary to invent a favorable interface with big,
simple operation and input method. Terminal apparatus are
also needed to be invented to integrate and solve problems of
new as well as old broadcast system, Internet, Bluetooth,
computer, 3G, digital audio and some so on.
(2)The use of Double-Network
Through Wireless Area Network (WLAN) and Cellular Network,
the advanced use and service are carried on.
3.The Development of Market
(1)Future Development
The broadcast industry in the future includes two group, car
drivers and computer users. The introduction of DAB (Digital
Audio Broadcast) greatly enhances the additional value of
automobile used stereo. Broadcast dealers can cooperate with
the automobile businessmen and develop car digital broadcast
in precedence.
(2)Audiences’habits of reception
Decrease the listening price while enhance the material use
and quality. In the former one, the price required, for
example, can be fixed as a monthly payment without
limitation of time spent on line. The example of the latter
one is the design of readers and audiences’favorable
program, based on the broadcast industry characteristic, and
data application.
4.Business Model
(1)Completion of the materials in database; accreditation or
additional service.
(2)The construction of website and the trade on line.
5.Digital Content Business
Increase the number of information people; arrange and
categorize the content produced by stations’activities or
broadcast. In the future, additional service is provided
according to the content.
6.Industry Value Chain
In short term, the current business style should be
maintained. In long term, we should confirm the status of
station, work on our professional field only, or set up chain
companies according to the programs provided, channel
management, broadcast system and so on. On one hand we
comply with the requirement of regulations; on the other, we
manage company according to the domination.
7.Cross- Industry Media Business
Aside from having the fixed audiences, the broadcasting
dealers have the greatest dominance in collecting material.
The development of Internet broadcast cannot be ignored.
After the broadband problem is solved, the traditional
broadcast dealers can provide additional service by using
the abundant data or they can transform the station into
video station or Set Top Box.
8. Roles Government Plays
(1)The enactor of front end receiver standard
(2)Promoter of industry development
(3)The completion of regulation |
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