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Title: | 台灣證券商進入大陸市場之研究 |
Authors: | 許佩茹 |
Contributors: | 劉玉珍 許佩茹 |
Keywords: | 證券商 進入模式 股權合資 |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 09:02:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,大陸快速的經濟發展與市場成長潛力促使證券業累積相當的成長動能,兩岸證券業合作一直以來為學術及產業界熱門討論之議題。目前在兩岸金融法令的積極推動下,替雙方證券業合作開啟新格局。本研究透過兩岸證券業發展之背景分析,截取台灣證券商優勢以提供進入大陸佈局的建議。
為了加速台灣證券商於大陸市場佈局的腳步,雙方政府應積極的解除兩岸法令架構的限制,爭取台灣證券商以全資全照的方式登陸,使台灣證券商透過法令開放的時間點,在內地實際地提供相關金融服務,深化與大陸的交流,奠定未來台灣證券商於對岸的長期穩健成長之基礎。 Chinese securities industry has been benefiting by domestic economic growth and enormous growing potential. Cooperation between cross-strait securities industry turns into a new page due to deregulation of financial constraints. This paper is based on development of each securities industry, analyzing the advantages owned by Taiwanese security firms and providing suggestions for entering Chinese market.
The economic growth rate and popularity growth are key factors of security development which show coastal area and southern area of China have more security growing potential. In Pearl River delta and Yangtze River Delta, the security firms are highly concentrated and most are state-owned.It is more appropriate for Taiwanese security firms to choose less competitive regions when entering those two areas.
Taiwanese security firms prefer choosing wholly-owned enter model in order to protect specific firm’s know-how and reputation. Due to decrease of external uncertainty, deregulated investment policies and strong growth potential in China, security firms prefer wholly-owned enter mode to manage resource efficiently. The complex organization structures of Chinese security firms and cultural differences are the main reasons of choosing enter mode for Taiwanese security firms.
Security firms which have less market share and lower state-owned characters are appreciable for being cooperative targets. Accumulated market experience, capital capacity have positive influence on joint venture performance. Complementary product services provide various accesses to expand security firm’s income. Foreign security firms have been making effort in Chinese market by participating financial revolution actively which has built a good relationship with Chinese government. From experiences, the ownerships between cooperative parties and the relationship with Chinese government are key factors to build joint ventures successfully. Therefore, it is top priority for government to improve the relationships between cross-strait to endeavor acquiring entire license in order to speed up entering Chinese market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財務管理研究所 95357005 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095357005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [財務管理學系] 學位論文
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