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Title: | 線上一對一行銷於銀行業的應用: 以ABC銀行為例 The Application of Online 1-to-1 Marketing into the Banking Industry: Case Study of ABC Bank |
Authors: | 柯宇峰 |
Contributors: | 林基煌 Lin, Chi-Huang 柯宇峰 |
Keywords: | 一對一行銷 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 |
Abstract: | 每個人對不同的事務、產品及服務都有不同的偏好。這種差異在擁有眾多客戶的銀行業上所造成的影響尤為深遠,特別是對大部份無法充分運用客戶資訊技術以提升服務品質的銀行而言,滿足不同客戶眾多及複雜的需求,已成為目前經營銀行的重大挑戰。所幸,在網際網路日益普及網路科技日益發達的情況下,在網路銀行上提升客戶服務,已遠較以往容易,而有越來越多的人透過網路與銀行互動,也讓提升網路銀行的服務更形重要。銀行要提升客戶的服務品質,需仰賴大量的客戶分析了解客戶,並藉由對不同客戶或客群提供有效服務,來提高成交率,同時創造更多交叉銷售的機會,最終達到整體業績的提升。為達此目的,在網際網路上透過完整客戶行為分析以達到精確的客群行銷的概念及實踐,將成為未來銀行發展必須正視的重要課題。銀行若能有效針對客戶在不同時點的需求做更完整的掌握及更即時的回應,客戶經營將變得更容易,將完善的客戶服務有效轉化成實際業績的目標將不再遙不可及。 Everyone wants and likes different things, both on an aesthetic level and on a product and service level. This will prove to be a serious challenge for most traditional financial institutions in particular, as many of their data gathering and analytical technologies and marketing initiative technologies behind of those advanced ones. Fortunately, the recent development of Internet seemed to provide a perfect environment for the banks to achieve such a goal in a much easier way. Also, with the increasing popularity of Internet, Internet banking has become more important than ever and understanding customers has become easier than ever. It is understandable that making the most of consumer information is the key to effective cross-selling, mass customization, and market segmentation. Consumer finance companies/banks need sophisticated online analytical tools and 1-to-1 marketing technology and automation systems (or target marketing solution) to gather, store, analyze, and deliver the right information to right personnel of organization at the right time and setting. Armed with better information, banks can increase per-customer revenue more effectively by cross-selling additional products and services, collecting delinquent accounts, and developing valuable new products and services to sell. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財務管理研究所 89932124 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089932124 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [財務管理學系] 學位論文
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