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    Title: 客戶滿意等於企業獲利嗎? 顧客滿意度與貢獻度相關性之研究
    Can customer satisfaction bring business benefit? An empirical study of the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability
    Authors: 黃榆菁
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Keywords: 顧客滿意度
    Customer Satisfaction
    Customer Contribution
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14
    Abstract: 追求顧客滿意度極大化向來是企業提升獲利的首要方法,相關研究中亦顯示提高整體顧客滿意度有助於企業整體營運績效提升。然或囿於資料蒐集不易等因素,針對個別顧客之滿意度高低是否實際上能影響其貢獻度的研究卻付之闕如。本研究欲探討顧客滿意度與其貢獻度是否存在明顯之關聯性,故先依據過去學者針對滿意度所提出的理論基礎,修正調整後進行顧客滿意度調查,再針對相對應顧客之實際交易行為進行分析,期望能為缺乏相關研究的顧客滿意度及顧客貢獻度之關聯性,做出學術上的貢獻,並對現在蓬勃發展的銀行理財業務,提出具體的建議。<br>本研究針對個案銀行顧客發放3,000份滿意度調查問卷,並比對回收有效問卷(有效問卷共373份)之個別客戶實際貢獻度資料。本研究主要發現及建議如下:<br>一、提高個別顧客的滿意度無法顯著提升(或僅能微幅影響)其貢獻度。



    Increasing customer satisfaction has become the guiding principle for many enterprises in order to maximize their profit. Although many researchers have conducted studies regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability, these studies are mainly focused on the organizational level, comparing organizational performance with customer satisfaction across firms. In contrast, there is limited evidence of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer contribution at the individual level. In other words, we are not sure whether more-satisfied customers really bring in more profit.<br>This empirical study examines the correlation between customer satisfaction and customer contribution at the individual customer level. Combining both customer satisfaction survey results and archived customer contribution data, the study examined responders’ satisfaction with their actual contribution to firm profits.<br>The case studied is a large bank in Taiwan. By sending out 3,000 questionnaires to customers of the consumer banking services, we collected 373 effective responses. The empirical results of this study are as follows.<br>Both product quality and service quality have positive effects on customer satisfaction, but service quality is more important than product quality in the retail banking business. It was determined that the top three effective ways to improve customer satisfaction are to improve professionalism of financial advisors, to make the facility more customer friendly and more comfortable, and to offer a greater diversity of financial products. However, the findings also indicate that customer satisfaction has very low correlation or even no significant correlation with individual customer contribution.<br>Although banks today invest much in creating customer satisfaction, this strategy may not be the way to achieve profit maximization. There are numerous other issues involved in profitability increase, including managerial efficiency, corporate governance, corporate image, etc. In fact, the most important factor that influences bank customers’ investment decisions may be the state of the economy (i.e., the stage of the business cycle) rather than customer satisfaction.
    書名頁 i
    授權書 ii
    碩士學位考試委員會審定書 iii
    誌謝 iv
    中文摘要 v
    英文摘要 vi
    目錄 vii
    圖表索引 viii

    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景 1
    第二節 研究動機 2
    第三節 研究目的 3
    第四節 研究流程 3

    第二章 文獻探討 4
    第一節 產品品質 4
    第二節 服務品質 6
    第三節 顧客滿意度 13
    第四節 顧客貢獻度 19
    第五節 顧客滿意度與貢獻度之關係 22
    第六節 管理資產 25

    第三章 研究方法 26
    第一節 研究設計及假說 26
    第二節 研究變數 29
    第三節 顧客滿意度問卷設計 32
    第四節 資料蒐集方法 47
    第五節 資料分析方法 47

    第四章 資料分析 49
    第一節 樣本輪廓 49
    第二節 信效度分析 55
    第三節 各研究構面間之關係 57
    第四節 多元迴歸分析 70

    第五章 研究發現 80
    第一節 實證結果 80
    第二節 研究發現 81

    第六章 結論與建議 84
    第一節 研究結論與貢獻 84
    第二節 對個案銀行之建議 84
    第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 86

    參考文獻 87

    附錄 95
    附錄一:第一次預試問卷 95
    附錄二:第二次預試問卷 98
    附錄三:正式問卷 100
    附錄四:正式問卷信度分析 103
    附錄五:正式問卷滿意度與人口統計變數變異數分析 112
    附錄六:正式問卷事後LSD法多重比較 113
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