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Title: | 整合行銷傳播於外商半導體產業之應用研究— 以N半導體公司為例 Research on foreign semiconductors company’s integrated marketing communication strategy—A Case study of N semiconductors |
Authors: | 張伊雯 Chang, Yi Wu |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 張伊雯 Chang, Yi Wu |
Keywords: | 半導體 整合行銷傳播 品牌價值 品牌行銷 行銷傳播 Semiconductors IMC Brand Value Brand Marketing Integrated Marketing Communication |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-14 |
Abstract: | 在這個由消費者主導的時代,行銷的力量在於創造、溝通、傳遞價值予顧客,著重全面的消費者接觸點,策略性地創造有力的品牌概念,為公司增加獲利、為股東累積收益。
本研究以外商半導體公司的成功案例,探討工業零組件之B2B(Business to Business)經營模式中之整合行銷傳播(Integrated Marketing Communication)策略與做法,從IMC的整合程度中之計劃整合面,探討整合行銷傳播中的組織架構,分析內部決策組織和外部功能組織的協調性,以及從人員知識面切入,探討專業人才與能力的培養;再從資源整合面,深入了解個案在整合行銷傳播預算、媒體購買、資料庫運用等面向的資源運用方式,以及在各項傳播工具的操作策略上的實際執行方式與成果,並藉由策略架構、資源、流程、關係、與價值五大面向,分析個案的關鍵成功因素與經驗,再經由個案於去年底所完成之與競爭對手相較之品牌排名調查以及委由國際知名品牌鑑價機構Interbrand計算之企業品牌價值結果,展現個案執行整合行銷傳播策略的實際績效。以個案研究法檢視該公司如何在自皇家飛利浦集團獨立後之一年內迅速累積品牌價值,而其整合行銷傳播策略在其中所達成的貢獻的關鍵成功因素。
本論文之研究方法、針對研究架構中之「計畫整合」及「資源整合」部分採取次級資料分析法,此部分是由supplier side的觀點作為研究出發點; 針對「傳播工具整合」的部分,採取焦點訪談法,是由demand side為出發點,研究客戶未被滿足的需求; 在「關鍵成功因素」的部分,採取深度訪談法,藉由訪談專業人士,針對個案分析其成功的關鍵因素。本論文所選擇的研究個案,是名列全球前十大半導體公司之一的N半導體(N Semiconductors)。
本研究之研究目的在於研究外商半導體公司整合行銷傳播(IMC)的關鍵成功因素與經驗,探討B2B工業零組件經營模式之整合行銷傳播(IMC)策略與做法,期以外商半導體於整合行銷傳播(IMC)方面的成功經驗,做出對台灣IC產業未來發展品牌之建議。 In this market dominated by consumers, the power of marketing is to create, communicate and transfer value to customers. Focusing on coming into a full-scale contact with consumers, marketing strategically creates an influential concept of brand to increase the profit and generate revenue for the shareholders.
This research studies the Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC)strategy and application of business-to-business formula in the global semiconductors industry through a case study of a foreign semiconductors company. Form the perspective of planning integration in IMC, the research analysis the organization structure of the IMC team and the coordination of both internal decision-making and external functional processes. To study the human resource management of professional personals as well as to further realize the IMC budget, media buying, and database utilization, the research also studies from the in-depth perspectives of team knowledge base resource allocation. For the operational practices and results of the communication tools, the research also reviews the company’s key successful factors form the five perspectives of strategic structure, resource allocation, process management, relationship built-up, and value generation. With in-depth analyzing the brand valuation report and brand value evaluation report conducted by Interbrand to unfold the actual effectiveness of the company’s overall integrated marketing communication strategy, as a case study, the research is to sketch how this semiconductors successfully generated brand equity and brand value in just one year since its independence for the Royal Philips group.
For the research methods of this research, by taking the “secondary analysis” for studying both planning integration and resource integration form the perspective of supplier side, “focus group” for studying the integration of communication tool from the perspective or demand side, and “in-depth interview” for studying the key successful factors of the case company, which is one of the world’s top 10 semiconductors companies, from the perspective of industrial professionals.
The objective of this research is to study the key successful factors and experiences of foreign semiconductors companies, to reflect how to manage the IMC strategy into the company’s overall business strategy of B2B industry, and to make suggestions to the IC companies in Taiwan for brand development based on the successful experiences of the case company. 摘要
第一章 續論 p.1
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的與問題
第三節 研究主題說明
第四節 研究流程
第五節 論文架構
第二章 文獻探討 p.6
第一節 整合行銷傳播的意涵
第二節 整合行銷傳播的執行過程
第三節 整合行銷傳播的績效產出
第四節 全球及台灣半導體及IC設計產業發展歷程
第五節 全球及台灣半導體及IC設計產業發展現況
第三章 研究方法 p.43
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究方法
第三節 研究個案選取
第四章 個案分析 p.50
第一節 計畫整合(系統投入)
第二節 資源整合
第三節 傳播工具整合
第四節 關鍵成功因素
第五節 整合行銷傳播績效產出
第五章 結論與建議 p.95
第一節 研究結論
第二節 研究建議
第三節 研究貢獻
第四節 研究限制
附錄 |
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