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    Title: 企業品牌與多品牌策略選擇之跨產業個案研究
    A study of single Brand and Multiple Brand strategies by cross-industrial case study
    Authors: 呂昆安
    Lu, Kun An
    Contributors: 樓永堅
    Lou, Yung Chien
    Lu, Kun An
    Keywords: 品牌
    Brand strategy
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-14
    Abstract: 觀察台灣產業品牌發展,在相同的產業裡,各企業或許會出現ㄧ致的品牌策略,亦或許會出現迥異的品牌策略,是哪些原因影響,讓企業在相同的產業環境下,卻有不同的品牌策略選擇? 或堅持某一特定策略?
    在科技產業成長發展過程中,各廠商間品牌策略選擇,較偏向企業品牌策略,受訪經理人表示,主要原因為產品屬性因素,科技產品的標準化生產流程,使個產品不會有所謂的口味、生活習慣等文化差異,在食品業所強調「家鄉市場」(home market)的條件,已經不存在,對科技公司而言,品牌的戰略不同於食品業由區域品牌做起的單點突破方式,各區域消費差異小,而是以全球消費者目標的全面式出擊,加上企業研發與製造投資金額龐大,營運風險高,採行企業品牌,可降低投資風險,增加品牌投資綜效,節省龐大行銷費用;再加上國際先驅品牌大廠,以採取類似的組合品牌策略,因此,大多採取一致的品牌策略。
    Observing the brand development of Taiwan industrials, there may appear consistent or inconsistent brand strategy in the same industry. Which factors are influencing on managers during brand strategy decision-making? Why do managers choose different brand strategy or insist on a specific strategy under the same industrial environment.
    The purpose of this study is to identify the cause of brand strategy choice from manager’s viewpoints, through the secondary data and case study method. This study will also compare with the technology industrial and food industrial cases. There are categorized two type strategies- corporate branding and product branding strategy. Case study lists are President, Weichuan, Laurel, acer, Asus and OKwap.
    The result of study shows, the brand strategy influenced factors contain the corporate, product and market attributive factors. While the food industry developed, they preferred to choose product branding. Managers told us that this change is related to consumer demand change. Consumers paid attention on the benefit of price in the past. Since the economic booming in Taiwan, people`s incomes were generally raised. Consumers changed to diversified demands. The product branding is appealed to this request.
    While the technology industry developed, they preferred to choose corporate branding. Managers told us that the main reason is product attribute factor, for example standardized and homogeneous product attribute. They need to face global market, without any regional market advantage. Their products must target to all of users world wide. They must make investment hugely on R&D, marketing and manufacturing. The operation risk is high. They can reduce the risk by adapting corporate branding strategy. Retracing the leading company internationally, they also chose the same brand strategy.
    Among food and technology industries, their brands developed differently and have different trends in the future. Technology brands will exist only top ten vendors due to standardized and homogeneous product influenced. Food industry relatively has obstacle on culture and geography. They only will develop brands towards local regional markets. For cross-regions markets, they will cooperate by strategic alliance.

    第一章 緒論
    第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………………1
    第二節 研究目的……………………………………………………………3
    第三節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………………………3
    第二章 文獻探討
    第一節 品牌相關定義、品牌層級與品牌運用策略………………………4
    第二節 品牌建立與品牌延伸之決策流程………………………………10
    第三節 品牌延伸決策的考量因素………………………………………13
    第四節 品牌延伸的優缺點………………………………………………16
    第五節 品牌建立之策略探討……………………………………………18
    第六節 品牌策略選擇的影響因素 ………………………………………21
    第三章 研究設計
    第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………………31
    第二節 研究流程與方法…………………………………………………33

    第四章 個案描述與分析
    第一節 統一企業…………………………………………………………36
    第二節 味全實業…………………………………………………………50
    第三節 桂冠實業…………………………………………………………64
    第四節 宏碁………………………………………………………………75
    第五節 華碩………………………………………………………………92
    第六節 英華達……………………………………………………………105

    第五章 個案整合分析與研究發現
    第一節 企業構面因素整合分析與研究發現……………………………121
    第二節 市場構面因素整合分析與研究發現……………………………125
    第三節 產品構面因素整合分析與研究發現…………………………127
    第六章 結論與建議
    第一節 結論………………………………………………………………130
    第二節 後續研究建議……………………………………………………134
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