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Title: | 亞洲區域營運策略 - 美國半導體設備公司之個案研究 Regional Operations Strategy in Asia — A Case Study of an US Semiconductor Capital Equipment Company |
Authors: | 張翰 Chang,Kevin Hann |
Contributors: | 于卓民 Yu,Chwo Ming 張翰 Chang,Kevin Hann |
Keywords: | 區域營運策略 半導體設備產業 Regional operations strategy Semiconductor equipment industry |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:53:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Please see the English Abstract In the 21st century, the globalization movement to multinational corporations is an inevitable process to maintain the continuous business growth. Asia, in particular, has drawn all the attention of multinational corporations worldwide and is considered as the region of the century. This research is designed to study the Asian regional operations of a multinational corporate in semiconductor equipment industry.
In response to the regional customers demand, the regional competition, and the regional operations cost reduction, the case company has strategically established regional operations centers in Asia, covering the aspects of technical support, technical training, parts logistics, parts sourcing and repairing, as well as service outsourcing.
This study found that the outstanding regional operations strategy plays a key role in the industrial competition and the overall operational excellence. The service enhancement through the technical support and spares sourcing can directly benefit the IC manufacturing customers and reword to the cost reduction of the regional operations.
The studied case company clearly can be a benchmark of the regional operations practices for semiconductor equipment industry as well as for other related industries. Furthermore, the objective of this research is to provide useful suggestions that may help the firms in the industry on their future regional operations strategies setting as well as offer the academic researchers with a good case study of the development of regional operations in Asia. Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations of the Study 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 2
1.3 Research Flow and Chapters Description 4
1.4 Research Scope and Limitation 5
Chapter II Review of Literature 7
2.1 Multinational Corporations 7
2.2 Centralization and Decentralization 8
2.3 Structure and Strategy on Integrated and Responsive Forces 11
2.3.1 Globalization 11
2.3.2 Global Integration vs. Local Responsiveness 13
2.4 Regional Organization and Corporations Strategy 15
2.4.1 Headquarters vs. Subsidiary Operations 15
2.4.2 Two Way Relationships 17
2.4.3 The Eclectic Theory 19
2.4.4 The National Diamond Theory 20
2.5 Regional Operations and Management 22
2.5.1 Roles of Regional Headquarters 22
2.5.2 Managing Regional Operations 25
2.5.3 Implications of Regional Operations and Management 26
2.5.4 Regional Headquarters within Asia 29
2.6 Summary of Literature Review 31
Chapter III Research Methodology and Case Introduction 33
3.1 Research Methodology 33
3.1.1 Research Framework and Interview Guidelines 33
3.1.2 Information Collection 35
3.2 Descriptive Analysis of Semiconductor Industrial Environment 36
3.3 Semiconductor Industry in Asia 38
3.4 The Company – MAI 40
3.4.1 Company Continue Growing 41
3.4.2 Separation of MESA from MAI 42
3.4.3 Acquisition of EPI 42
3.4.4 Market Success of CVD in the New Millennium 43
Chapter IV Case Description and Analysis 45
4.1 Migration of Semiconductor Manufacturing to Asia 45
4.2 Strengthening the Asian Regional Operations 47
4.2.1 Asia Technical Support Center 48
4.2.2 Asia Training Center 51
4.2.3 Asia Parts Depot Center 52
4.2.4 Asia Parts Sourcing Center 54
4.2.5 Asia Parts Repairing Center 55
4.2.6 Asia Service Outsourcing Centers 57
4.2.7 Coordination of Asian Regional Operations Centers 59
4.3 Strengthen the Customer Satisfactions 61
4.4 Superior Performance and Recorded Selling from 2004 to 2007 62
4.5 Regional Strategy aligned with the Corporate Goals 64
Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions 69
5.1 Conclusions 69
5.2 Suggestions 75
5.2.1 Suggestions to the Firms in the Industry 75
5.2.2 Suggestions to Future Research 76
References 78
English References: 78
Chinese References: 85 |
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