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Title: | 我國企業於境外公司的應用模式之探討 |
Authors: | 孫珮儀 Sun, Pei Yi |
Contributors: | 杜化宇 孫珮儀 Sun, Pei Yi |
Keywords: | 境外公司 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:51:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國際金融中心或避稅港藉由提供公司設立管理便捷及稅賦上的誘因以吸引外國人前來設立境外公司。而境外公司背後的支撐即為英美法體制下的極簡的成文公司法。
也因為國際金融中心及避稅港的繁榮似已直接威脅到各徵稅主權國的課稅主權,故國際經貿組織自90年代始即不斷思索,如何保護一般國家的徵稅主權不受國際金融中心或避稅港之威脅。近年來反避稅措施的發展更為加速,包括移轉訂價原則(Transfer Pricing Rules)之制定、反避稅港及反延緩納稅措施(Anti-haven or Anti-deferral Measures)、資本弱化規則(Thin Capitalization Rule)、反租稅協定濫用條款(Anti-treaty Shopping provision)、稅收情報交換(Exchange of Information)等,以及反洗錢法之訂定。目前反避稅措施已為國際間大多數的國家所接受並積極運作的租稅政策。而眾多的避稅港國為免於被國際組織列入協助企業逃漏稅甚至洗錢之黑名單,紛紛採納或配合相關措施,主要作為包括簽訂稅收情報交換之協議、防洗錢法之訂定,及無分國內公司或境外公司之稅賦徵收制度(通常就是全面不課企業營業及營所等稅)等。至此,境外公司之相關業務是否將因而萎縮?由目前我國統計資料顯示,我國企業運用境外公司之業務,除了新設境外公司家數成長率呈緩之外,並未受國際間反避稅措施之影響,而仍舊呈現穩定成長的發展趨勢,此點與國際間的統計數字相較,其趨勢應為相符。 Offshore financial centers and/or tax havens provide convenient corporate management and attractive tax incentive to allure foreign individuals and companies to incorporate offshore companies and keep funds rest in their jurisdiction. The supporting foundation behind the scheme is the simplified corporate regulation environments in each of the jurisdictions respectively.
Those jurisdictions follow the common law rules which of course govern their corporate laws and the practice proceedings of judiciary systems. Just like other common law jurisdictions, the incompleteness of regulation would be supplemented by court judgments and judicial reviews. Therefore, a simplified corporation law could be rather an enhancement for the offshore company business than an obstacle.
The “harmful tax practice” identified by OECD during its ongoing investigation on offshore financial centers/tax havens concerning their corporation related business such as low or no tax, loose and commercial friendly regulation, secrecy protection, low transparency,…are somehow practically financial and operational benefits for multinational companies and wealthy individuals.
This research briefly reviewed the corporate laws of some offshore jurisdictions familiar by Taiwanese, and also touched the practice of incorporation and tax planning schemes based on the utilization of offshore companies. Such practice includes holding company designs, tax and loyalty planning, international financial managements, and trust arrangements.
This research also discussed some portions of the tax competition arose from the thriving of offshore financial centers and tax havens. Some of the so called “anti-tax haven activities” are Transfer Pricing Rules, Anti-deferral Measures, Thin Capitalization Rules, Anti-treaty Shopping Provision and Exchange of Information, which are important action guideline ruled and promoted by OECD. The other trends noticed are the newly developed anti-money laundering rules and financial information exchange conventions which also imposed heavy load of scrutiny obligations upon the governments of offshore jurisdictions. 謝辭 I
摘要 II
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與限制 1
第三節 研究流程與架構 2
第二章 境外公司概述 5
第一節 境外公司的定義 5
第二節 國際間境外公司發展狀況 6
第三節 我國投資於境外公司狀況 8
第三章 境外公司法介紹 12
第一節 境外公司法之法源 12
第二節 境外公司法之基本架構 13
第四章 境外公司法之重要規範 15
第一節 以英國公司法為標竿 15
第二節 開曼群島公司法(2004年修正) 22
第三節 英屬維京群島2004年商業公司法 28
第四節 薩摩亞1987國際公司法 33
第五章 境外公司法對境外公司應用之影響 39
第一節 對境外公司發展之影響 39
第二節 對非境外公司主權國家之影響 40
第六章 境外公司之應用模式探討 43
第一節 境外公司申設之考量要件 43
第二節 境外公司之應用模式分析 49
第七章 當前境外公司面臨之挑戰 58
第一節 國際稅收競爭 58
第二節 反避稅措施 59
第三節 資訊保護及反洗錢法 61
第八章 結論與建議 65
第一節 研究結論 65
第二節 研究建議 67
參考文獻 69 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 91932720 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0919327201 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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