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Title: | 中國測量儀器產業B2B行銷的策略演進: 以台灣儀器集團為例 The evolution of B2B Marketing in China Surveying Instrument Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan Instrument Group |
Authors: | 林翰 Lin,John |
Contributors: | 李仁芳 Lee,Jeff 林翰 Lin,John |
Keywords: | 測量儀器 中國 B2B 行銷 Surveyiing Instrument China B2B Marketing |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:49:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究針對「台灣儀器集團」在中國設立的H公司為觀察對象,該公司係中國測量產業中唯一一家較具規模與知名度的台灣公司。台灣儀器集團在進入中國前,台灣的業務範圍僅限於代理國外品牌儀器,並沒有從事製造活動。
命題一: 台灣廠商在早期(2004年以前)的中國市場,相對於其他國外廠商具有先天的語言與文化優勢,相對於中國廠商具有策略靈活的優勢。
本研究貢獻在於不同的交易成本考量因市場發展階段的不同而異,以及H公司在中國測量儀器產業的關鍵成功因素為自有品質佳的產品,單純的代理商已難以維持優勢。 In this thesis, we have taken “H Company” in china, established by the founder of “Taiwan instrument Group”, as a study case. Prior to the establishment of “H Company” in china, the business model of “Taiwan instrument Group” was the import of surveying measure into Taiwan, and the sales and services of these instruments, without any investments in the manufacturing of these instruments. Even without manufacturing capability, “H Company” was able to create sufficient competitive advantages to expand the business rapidly in china for some time. The theme of this study is (1) to observe how the strategies developed by “H Company” was influenced by the rapid changes of the B2B market and the other environmental factors in China, (2) to analyze the surveying instrument market in china and the changes of the competitive advantages of “H Company”, (3) to give some suggestions for “H Company” in the future.
After analyzing with “Retrospective Longitudinal Approach” and “Case Study Approach”, four research propositions has been indentified:
1.In the early stage, compared to other foreign companies and local companies, Taiwanese companies have the advantages due to similar language and culture compared to foreign companies, while possessing superior marketing and business strategies compared to the local companies.
2.H Company could only maintain the competitive advantages from the model of exclusive distributorship for a limited time period.
3.By using the Transaction Cost Theory, one can explain the different transaction costs to gain the competitive advantages in different stages. As the market matures and becomes more efficient and transparent, competition will intensify, thereby reducing information searching cost, increasing the importance of explicit cost, moral transaction cost, and switching cost.
4.In a short run, competitive advantages due to successful strategies of place, price and promotion can overcome short comings of the product competitiveness, but in the long run, but competitive advantages from the product will be key factor to ensure long term success.
The finding of the thesis is that difference transaction costs has to be considered in different competitive stages, and designing/manufacturing one’s own brand of products with good quality in the surveying instrument industry in China will be the next step for “H Company” to grow and evolve from its past business model of distributor. 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第四節 研究範圍與研究限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 中國市場行銷通路的演進 6
第二節 競爭優勢 7
第三節 五力分析 8
第四節 SWOT分析 10
第五節 4C交易成本理論 10
第三章 研究方法與架構 16
第一節 研究方法 16
第二節 研究架構 17
第三節 研究對象 18
第四節 個案背景探討 18
一、中國測量市場歷史與現況 18
二、中國測量市場競爭者 20
第四章 個案公司研究與分析 27
第一節 H公司的成立 27
第二節 個案分析 45
第五章 命題發展 66
第六章 結論、建議與未來研究方向 73
第一節 結論與建議 73
第二節 未來研究方向建議 76
參考文獻 77
英文文獻 77
中文文獻 77
表 1 國際測量儀器廠商在中國市場佔有率分析表 21
表 2 國內測量儀器廠商在中國市場佔有率分析表 24
圖 1 研究架構圖 16
圖 2 與其他公司的品牌定位比較圖 63 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 90932924 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0909329241 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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