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    Title: 共同基金個案績效之研究
    The Case Study on Mutual Funds Performance
    Authors: 李美玲
    Lee, Mei Ling
    Contributors: 康榮寶
    Lee, Mei Ling
    Keywords: 共同基金
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2009-09-12 12:37:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於基金已經成為國人主要的投資工具,投資人投資國內或國外共同基金係在可容忍的最大風險內,以獲得最大報酬(或超過無風險利率報酬)為目標。本研究係以國內外12支基金作為研究個案,來分析何者類型基金報酬率較高,其原因是以何者因素居多;而長期績效不佳之基金其原因以何者因素居多,作為投資人投資基金決策的參考。
    Managed funds are becoming an important investment vehicle in Taiwan, with investors investing in local as well as international mutual funds. Their main objective is to achieve highest return while proportionally having a lower than average risk.

    By studying 12 mutual funds in this case study, my investigation would like to explore the reasoning behind why some of the funds achieve higher than average return, while others do not. By doing so I can identify the characteristics of these funds, which could beneficial to investors.

    According to our research, In Taiwan, the rate of return from managed funds appear to be directly associated with both local and international economic factors (Macro economy). Local factors included Taiwan’s business economic cycle, Taiwan stock weighted index performance, as well as local interest/cash rates. While International factors, mainly from the US included Dow Jones & Nastaque indicies performance, Us Federal Bank’s decisions on it’s interest rates, OECD index, MSCI new market index. Furthermore, the rate of return from Managed fund can also differ according to the funds management style, investment strategy, the ability of the fund manager to recognize/ select particular stock to invest as well as the size of the fund. While its management fee structure and cash liquidity appears to be less relevant.

    According to our research, investing within a specific country can achieve highest return, however, it also bears the highest risk, thus must set as sell stop order. region specific fund on the other hand, can limit such political and economical risks of one specific country, while at the same time achieve similar great return as a fund that invest within one country. This fund is recommended to investors wanting higher return with lower risks.

    Sector specific funds invest in particular sector. The more specific the sector is, the greater risk there is, coupled with greater return. This fund should only be invested by experienced investors, must also set up sell stop order.
    In our opinion, global stock funds are the best choice for most investors. The advantages include its ability to experience increase exposure of rising markets in different country, at the same time spread its risk. Generally, in a good year, the global funds could achieve a rate of return of 15%, while investors should expect net return of 10%. This fund in our opinion is suited to conservative investors.
    第一章 緒論
    第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………1
    第二節 研究目的…………………………………………….4
    第三節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………5
    第四節 研究流程與架構……………………………………6
    第二章 文獻探討
    第一節 共同基金種類說明……………………………7
    第二節 共同基金的風險………………………………12
    第三節 投資共同基金之成本與稅負……………………13
    第四節 國內外文獻探討…………………………………15
    第三章 研究方法
    第一節 共同基金之績效評估方法………………………28
    第二節 影響基金報酬率的外部經濟因素………………34
    第三節 影響基金報酬率的內部因素……………………42
    第四節 國內外基金績效評鑑機構之評比………………45
    第四章 實證分析
    第一節 JF日本店頭市場基金vs匯豐印度基金……………50
    第二節 富達歐洲基金vs美林拉丁美洲基金…………………56
    第三節 富蘭克林坦伯頓成長基金vs天達環球策略股票基金………62
    第四節 景順電訊基金vs美林世界黃金基金…………………67
    第五節 富蘭克林坦伯頓全球債劵基金vs荷銀全球新興市場債券基金71
    第六節 華頓中小型基金vs元大新主流基金……………………………75
    第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………79
    Reference: 一、網站
    1. 中華民國投信投顧商業公會 http://www.sitca.org.tw/
    2. 友邦生活理財顧問http://www.aig.com.tw/
    3. 台證e富網http://www.tsc.com.tw/
    4. 基智網http://www.funddj.com/
    5. 晨星網站http://www.hk.morningstar.com/
    6. 第一銀行網站http://firstbank.moneydj.com/
    7. 鉅亨網http://cnyes.megatime.com.tw/
    8. 富蘭克林證券投顧網站http://www.franklin.com.tw/
    9. 富達理財網http://www.fidelity.com.tw/
    10. 境外基金資訊觀測站http://announce.fundclear.com.tw/
    11. 群益金融網http://www.cfund.com.tw/
    12. 摩根富林明通路網http://www.jpmfunds.com.tw/
    13. 錢塘湖網站http://www.long.idv.tw/
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094932226
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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