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Title: | 產物保險業經營傷害險個案分析 A case study on personal accident insurance operation of a non-life insurance company in Taiwan |
Authors: | 廖舷安 Liao,Hsuan An |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 廖舷安 Liao,Hsuan An |
Keywords: | 個人傷害保險 綜合率 非比率再保險 Personal accident insurance Combined ratio Excess of loss |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:37:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國內保險經營,長久以來即是人身保險及財產保險分業經營方式,但兩者的經營規模差距很大,據統計資料顯示,壽險業這五年來的傷害險保費收入,平均每年約有580億元,健康險平均年約1260億元,對於產險業整體業界總保費收入約1100億元的市場規模而言,實在是塊誘人和商機無限的新市場,能加入傷害險或健康險的經營,將是產險業者突破經營瓶頸的關鍵,不僅保險市場會產生蛻變,更會對消費大眾帶來多元的選擇與影響。
關鍵字:個人傷害保險、綜合率、非比率再保險 In our insurance market, there are two types of operation, that is, life insurance and non-life insurance, but the business scale of the two types has a long way to go. According to the data, the average premium income of whole life insurance market of the personal accident and health insurance is about NT$58 billion and NT$126 billion per year respectively among these five years. Relative to the non-life insurance which premium income is about NT$110 billion, it’s really a captivating and unlimited new market that the non-life insurance can take the risk about the personal accident and health insurance. From my point of view, it will be the main key to break through the bottleneck of operation of the non-life insurance market. Not only the whole insurance market will be changed but also it can bring multi-choice and influence to consumers.
Under this background, the main task of this research is discussing the non-life insurance’s result of operation the personal accident insurance. It has a real case that also includes the product of development, marketing, underwriter and claim for further discussion and analysis. According to the research of this case, it can generalize some points as below. The first is about the tactic of operation: we will choice the way of marketing way of channel if we consider the growth of premium income as primary issue. What is called” Someone will be a winner if he controls the channel”. In our company, the business of channel was occupied about 73% of the personal accident insurance and the claim also in the same situation was about 76% over the past two years. Unfortunately, the result of operation is “Control the channel will make someone success and failure”, so the key point of operation is how to enhance the management of channel. The second is about the statistics of claim: we compared with the data of life and non-life insurance and find some related trends, but there is a phenomenon of related aggravation, such as rate of average death, men are five times more than women in non-life insurance but only three times in life
insurance statistics; the average indemnity of death is about NT$2.3 million in non-life insurance which is one time higher than life insurance market and especially with men that age level among in 50~59 years old. On the basis of above mentioned, it shows the problem of this product have higher indemnification but lower premium income. The third is about the problem of lack of manpower and inadequate experience, in addition, it also lack such relevant professional personnel as medical, legal and investigative, etc. So it can’t offer the demand of real operation in the underwriting and claim process.
The law of insurance has already opened that the non-life insurance can operate the personal accident insurance after revision two times in our country. Moreover, we believe that will be passed through about the non-life insurance also can operate the health insurance by the legislative rapidly. After the analysis, the conclusion of this research is finding out the question and reason of operation and offering the suggestion of improvement. I hope it can provide some recommendations for the non-life insurance that will operate the personal accident insurance or oncoming of the health insurance.
Key words: Personal Accident Insurance、Combined Ratio、Excess of Loss "第一章 緒論.........................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...............................................1
第二節 研究目的與限制...............................................3
第三節 研究方法與架構...............................................4
第四節 相關文獻回顧...................................................6
第二章 產物保險業經營傷害險現況....................................10
第一節 產物保險業整體營運概況...............................10
第二節 產物保險業經營傷害險緣由............................22
第三節 產物保險業傷害險經營現況............................26
第三章 個案傷害險相關作業說明.......................................35
第一節 個案背景說明.................................................35
第二節 個案傷害險作業流程說明...............................36
第三節 個案傷害險經營績效……................................48
第四章 個案傷害險經營分析...............................................51
第一節 個案傷害險營運資料分析................................51
第二節 個案傷害險作業問題分析................................62
第三節 個案傷害險經營分析與建議............................69
第四節 產險業傷害險經營分析...................................74
第五章 未來健康險之經營..................................................76
第一節 健康險市場現況………....................................76
第二節 傷害險與健康險之比較...................................80
第三節 未來健康險經營分析.......................................85
第六章 結論與建議.............................................................90
第一節 結論................................................................91
第二節 建議................................................................93
(表2-1) 85-94年財產保險與汽車保險業務概況...............12
(表2-2) 產險業財務結構比較表.......................................18
(表2-3) 產險業財務業務指標比較分析表.........................19
(表2-4) 保險險別區分表..................................................24
(表2-5) 產物保險業傷害險保費收入統計表.....................27
(表2-6) 人身保險業保費收入統計表................................28
(表2-7) 人身保險業給付統計表.......................................29
(表3-1) 保險業各作業面所要達成的目標表.....................36
(表3-2) 傷害險殘廢等級與給付比例表............................39
(表3-3) 92-95年傷害險核保利潤分析表.........................49
(表4-1) 92-95年保費收入及理賠金額.............................51
(表4-2) 94-95年承保來源保費收入分佈表......................52
(表4-3) 94-95年承保地區保費收入及件數分佈表...........52
(表4-4) 94-95年承保年齡保費收入及件數分佈表...........53
(表4-5) 94-95年承保性別保費收入及件數分佈表...........53
(表4-6) 95年職業類別賠款佔率表..................................54
(表4-7) 90-91年觀察年度職業類別粗死亡率..................55
(表4-8) 94-95年死亡率表..............................................55
(表4-9) 90-91年觀察年度性別粗死亡率.........................56
(表4-10) 95年地區別賠款佔率表......................................57
(表4-11) 94-95年通路別賠款佔率表.................................57
(表4-12) 94-95年年齡及性別理賠損失率表......................58
(表4-13) 94-95年年齡別理賠金額佔率表..........................59
(表4-14) 出險原因代號分類表...........................................59
(表4-15) 94-95年出險原因佔率表.....................................60
(表4-16) 94-95年年齡別出險原因理賠金額佔率表............61
(表5-1) 人身保險業健康險保費收入統計表......................78
(表5-2) 人身保險業健康險給付統計表.............................78
(表5-3) 個人健康險新契約承保件數及給付件數表............79
(圖1-1) 研究架構流程圖...............................................5
(圖2-1) 94年產險業各險種保費收入佔率圖......................11
(圖2-2) 94年各種汽車險保險保費收入佔率圖..................12
(圖2-3) 93-94年本國產險公司業務排名圖........................14
(圖3-1) 商品研發及送審作業流程圖.................................37
(圖3-2) 核保作業流程圖............................................43
(圖3-3) 理賠作業流程圖..................................................45 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 94932218 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0094932218 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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