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Title: | 從生活脈絡探討對保存臍帶血客戶推廣行銷的突破 |
Authors: | 許文靜 |
Contributors: | 溫肇東 許文靜 |
Keywords: | 生活脈絡 活動理論 臍帶血保存 context activity theory store the cord blood |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:36:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著再生醫學研究的蓬勃發展,幹細胞也成為未來醫療的焦點,長生不老、青春永駐,將不再是夢想;慢性疾病、罕見疾病等的治癒都可預期。其中臍帶血幹細胞的移植已可取代骨髓移植治療惡性血液疾病、免疫疾病,成功率與預後狀況都比骨髓移植更好。所以將臍帶血保存下來的觀念,已普遍成為產前衛教的一課,台灣約有一成以內的父母會自費將寶寶的臍帶血保存下來。
活動理論可將思維結構化並進行盤點,使離散的概念統整,對整個活動有一個清楚的全貌。應用在例行思考上,不論是事前評估規劃,或是事後執行檢討,均可迅速而清晰的將藍圖完整呈現。 The use of stem cells becomes a key area of research and therapy followed by the fast development in regenerative medicine. Because the existence of stem cells, immortality or staying young forever will no longer be just a dream, and serious diseases and rare disorder are expected to be cured. Umbilical cord blood transplants have higher success and recovery rates than Bone Marrow transplants in treating blood disorders and diseases of the immune system. The concept of ‘cord blood storage’ has become an instruction prenatally. There are about 10% of parent will keep their baby’s cord blood in private cord blood banks at present in Taiwan.
‘Activity Theory’ was initiated by Lev Vygotsky(1978)in the 1920s. He created the idea of mediation. Following to the activity theory, Leont’ev (1981) structured the general context model into six elements: Subject、Tool、Object、Rules、Community and Labor Division. The interaction among elements for each activity is dynamic and can be changed over time.
Six customers stored the cord bloods of their babies were interviewed in this study. The life contexts were studied and the strength of the six elements was compared among these customers based on the activity theory to analyze the reason of storing their baby’s cord blood, and to build the activity theory model. In addition, the marketing methods in the industry were compared and analyzed with the activity theory, and the psychological responses of reasoning and nonreasoning in human nature were further referred to build the future marketing strategy.
The relation among Subject-Tool-Object was found to be the most important part in the model, where tool played the key role. The relation among Subject-Community-Object was the second important, where community interacted closely with activity. Rules and Labor Division were the less effective elements. This result indicates that private Cord Blood Bank is a new business, which is not affected by Rules and Labor Division yet. In the future, product and service characters should be combined, and the significance of R&D of stem cells in cord blood should be enhanced in Regenerative Medicine to promote the development of this business.
Activity theory was proved beneficial in seeing a whole picture of activity by structuralizing the thinking and integrating the diverse ideas. A clear blue print in routine thinking can be seen either in the beforehand evaluation or the post-implementation review. 第一章 緒 論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 2
1.2 研究問題 3
1.3 研究流程與章節架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1瞭解臍帶血 6
2.2 生活脈絡與活動理論 15
2.3 理性與非理性對決策的影響 24
2.4 利用創新突破的做法 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 蒐集資料 29
3.3 資料分析 32
3.4 研究限制 38
第四章 個案描述 39
4.1 台灣臍帶血產業現況 39
4.2 客戶訪談內容 43
4.3 個案彙整 58
4.4 將個案以活動理論架構進行分析 64
4.5 以業務角度觀察客戶生活脈絡 68
4.6以活動理論分析現行市場行銷做法 71
第五章 研究分析 76
5.1 以活動理論五大要點分析個案生活脈絡 76
5.2 活動理論與傳統行銷理論的差異性 81
5.3 客戶決策的理性與非理性分析 82
第六章 結論與建議 87
6.1 結論 87
6.2 建議 92
中文文獻 94
英文文獻 96
網站資料 99 |
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