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Title: | 財務再保險之內部控制與內部稽核- HIH與AIG案例分析 |
Authors: | 游淑觀 |
Contributors: | 張士傑 游淑觀 |
Keywords: | 財務再保險 內部控制 內部稽核 financial reinsurance internal controls internal audit function |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:26:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 財務再保險係屬於新興的風險移轉方式之一,除了可以移轉傳統再保險之核保風險外,更可以將保險公司有很多無法以傳統再保險獲得分散的風險,如時間風險、投資風險等財務風險移轉出去。財務再保險可以增加保險公司的盈餘及提升經理人的績效,同時能減少潛在的危險暴露,避免準備金提存不足的問題,並且可以增加保險公司的承保能量,資助新契約的成長,兼具風險管理與財務規劃的新興工具。
除了監理機關對於財務再保險應加以規範外,保險公司內部之內部控制與內部稽核在企業中亦扮演重要角色。本研究就HIH與AIG集團兩個案之財務再保險問題,收集截至2005年HIH相關人員被澳洲保險監理機關起訴之起訴理由,與AIG被美國監理機關起訴人員的相關資料,分析這些被起訴原因之內部控制缺失,強調財務再保險內部控制與內部稽核的重要性,最後,針對保險公司實施財務再保險提出建議,同時對保險監理機關監管財務再保險也提出建議,希望對國內保險業者實施財務再保險有所助益,同時,也作為保險監理機關監管財務再保險的參考。 Financial reinsurance is one of the alternative risk transfer arrangements. Unlike the traditional reinsurance arrangement where only the underwriting risk is transferred, other risks such as time risk and investment risk may also be transferred through such arrangement. Financial reinsurance increases an insurance company’s earning and the managers’ performance, and hence decreases the exposures of reserve inadequacy. Additionally, it is also a new tool for risk management and financial planning for its positive impact on new business growth through the enhancement on the company’s underwriting capability.
On the other side, the use of financial reinsurance also leads to some problems. Specifically, when it is structured as a financial lease without any physical transfer of risks and used to window-dress poor financial performance in order to mislead the investors. Two international insurance companies, namely HIH (Health International Holdings) and AIG (American International Group), have tried to use the financial reinsurance arrangements to window-dress their financial statements in order to deceive the regulators. From a long term perspective, financial reinsurance arrangements used for stabilizing the financial results instead of enhancing risk management would certainly be detrimental to investors and insurance regulators.
Besides the regulators who need to set up the regulations on financial reinsurance, the internal controls and internal auditing functions within insurance company also play an important role in terms of supervision. This thesis focused on two real life cases related to HIH and AIG by studying their problems with financial reinsurance and colleting the people being prosecuted by Australia regulator (APRA) and SEC as of the end of 2005, the internal control weaknesses caused by them and finally emphasizing the important of internal controls and internal audit function. Lastly, after studies these two cases, recommendations are made to insurance companies and local regulator on how to manage the use of financial reinsurance. Hopefully these suggestions would be helpful to them. "第一章、緒論
第一節 研究背景…………………………………………1
第二節 研究動機與目的…………………………………1
第三節 研究範圍、架構與限制…………………………3
第一節 財務再保險定義及其發展過程…………………6
第二節 財務再保險目的及功能………………………… 8
第三節 財務再保險的種類與傳統再保險比較…………14
第四節 壽險公司為何需要財務再保險…………………22
第五節 各國監理機關之監理政策………………………23
第一節 內部稽核定義與目的……………………………28
第二節 內部稽核角色與職責……………………………34
第三節 內部控制與內部稽核……………………………38
第四節 企業風險管理與內部稽核………………………50
第五節 壽險公司內部稽核作業現況……………………58
第六節 保險業內部控制與內部稽核之重要性及建議…61
第一節 HIH保險公司的清算問題………………………65
第二節 AIG與General Re財務再保險問題…………… 75
第三節 內部控制與內部稽核的重要性…………………77
第四節 保險監理機關對於財務再保險的控管…………83
第五節 個案分析後之建議並以COSO理論分析之……89
第一節 對於保險公司實施財務再保險的建議……… 98
第二節 對於保險監理機關監管財務再保險的建議… 100
第三節 後續研究建議………………………………… 103
附錄一 保險業辦理財務再保險業務處理要點……
附錄二 保險業內部控制及稽核制度實施辦法…… |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 92932808 95 |
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