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Title: | 外資購併台灣產險公司之個案分析 |
Authors: | 譚必英 Tan,Portia |
Contributors: | 蔡政憲 譚必英 Tan,Portia |
Keywords: | 外資 購併 台灣產險公司 收購過程 策略 執行程序 初步狀況 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-12 12:21:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球金融朝向國際化與自由化之際,為加速經濟的發展,並因應國際間金融購併發展之趨勢;各國政府無不漸趨放寬或解除管制,使資金與人才的流動更為快速。金融機構也因透過金融控股公司的型態跨業經營,加速併購風潮。過去數十年內,全球購併的活動蔚為風潮,成為全球經濟活動的常態。
關鍵字:外資、購併、台灣產險公司、收購過程、策略、執行程序、初步狀況 Facing the trend of globalization & liberalization of major world wider financial institutions, the governments of key competitors have taken actions separately to loosen or de-regulate their financial regulations in order to speed up flows of talents and capitals accelerating the rampant development of merger and acquisition (M&A) practices among financial institutions. The financial institutions have being actively involved in M&A activities and have subsequently formed the financial holding companies to expand their business operations across various territories. During the past decade, the activities of global merger & acquisition have grown substantially and have become a common economic issue.
The government of R.O.C., before 90’s, adopted a relatively strict regulation on supervising the financial industry. After R.O.C. joined WTO; however, local financial institutions immediately encountered severe competitions from foreign global conglomerates. One of solutions to enhance global competence of local financial institutions is to conduct merger & acquisition initiatives within certain parties.
With a positive attitude, the government induced intentionally all kinds of attempts, especially M&A initiatives to improve financial strength of local financial institutions. Retrospectively, the Taiwanese general industry once set a milestone on its total written premium which surpassed NT$100 billion in 2002. However, the growth ratio dropped sharply form 11.55% of 2002 to 3.36% of 2005, in comparison with the increasing growth ratios in the other Asian countries. The whistle-blowing was noteworthy. Hence, the authority spared no efforts to induce foreign investments enhancing the vigor of capital market and reform local regulations adopting global standards of financial governance.
The local general industry encountered dramatic events in 2005 & 2006. During that period, several mergers have proceeded such as follows.
1.) A merger of Newa Insurance & Allianz President.
2.) The First Financial Holding Company sold Ming Tai Insurance to Mistui Sumimoto Insurance
3.) The regulator ordered to liquidate Kuo Hwa Insurance Co. in 2005. Taiwan Life got approval to purchase Kuo Hwa and set up a new company named Dragon Insurance afterwards.
4.) AIG acquired Central Insurance.
One of main subjects of this study is to elaborate the comprehensive process of acquiring a local general insurer by a foreign financial conglomerate. With an objective analysis, we might grasp a clear picture of the acquisition event, witnessing the background, decision making process, acquisition task force, as well as action plans after acquisition. Six tentative conclusions are presented as follow:
1.) A comprehensive due diligent scheme is crucial to a successful acquisition.
2.) With an in-depth experience on local market, a foreign initiator would sort out a better candidate to target.
3.) The injection of advanced professional skills & network resources by the acquirer would reform and upgrade the competence of the acquired company.
4.) One of key factors to a successful M&A initiatives is to mitigate & smoothen with all means the impact to the staff of the acquired.
5.) A well-planned scheme for human resource would induce outstanding performance of the new-formed company.
6.) Highly complementary competences between two parties of the merger initiative will result in a positive synergy in the future.
Finally, three suggestive assumptions are referred to the Authority.
1.) A well-planned scheme on human resources after acquisition is crucial to original staff and shall be a major concern to financial governance.
2.) Incentives & inducements to foreign general insurers are urgent and necessary to a reforming market.
3.) A prudent assessment is fundamental to a successful merger initiative by foreign financial conglomerate as well as the local market regulator. 第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究範圍
第三節 研究方法與步驟
第貳章 購併之相關理論
第一節 購併意義與方式
第二節 購併之種類
第三節 購併之動機
第四節 購併之績效
第叄章 國內相關案例分析
第一節 荷蘭國際集團(ING)購併台灣安泰人壽保險
第二節 日本東京海上產險購併新安產物保險
第三節 日本三井住友海上購併明台產險
第四節 小結
第肆章 本案分析
第一節 AIG集團與中央產險簡介
第二節 AIG集團收購中央產險過程
第三節 AIG集團收購中央產險過程評論分析
第四節 AIG集團收購中央產險之後初步現況報告以傷害保險經營為例
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論部份
第二節 建議部份
參考文獻 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 91932808 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932808 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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