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    Title: 英語教學知識結構及教學流程架構之研究 (以九年一貫國小英語課程為例)
    Authors: 牟藜娟
    Mou, Li Chuan (Jean)
    Contributors: 劉文卿
    Liou, Wen Chin
    Mou, Li Chuan (Jean)
    Keywords: 九年一貫英語課程
    Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum
    Knowledge Management
    Semantic Retrieval System
    Object Oriented
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 17:59:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 教育部自九十年度起實施九年一貫英語教學課程,由於學生程度不一,班級人數過多,教學媒體不足,研究報告指出應該成立英語教學資源中心,提高教師教學品質,規劃線上輔助教學,以增進學生學習機會及學習效果。


    英語教學內容知識框架(English Content Knowledge Ontology)抽象化類別具多重之階層、對等及相依關係。將內容知識抽象化類別實體化,其類別與實體之集合,即為本範例所建構之知識框架。





    The Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum was put into practice by the Ministry of Education in 2001. Due to the fact that there are too many students in each class and that there is not enough teaching media, the students fall into different levels in English proficiency. Some research concluded that an English Teaching Resource Centre should be established to enhance teachers’ teaching quality and to provide an on-line teaching aid, hence to give the students more learning opportunities and to improve their learning effects.

    In this study, the on-line English teaching aid was discussed from the viewpoint of Knowledge Management. English Content Knowledge Ontology and English Teaching Knowledge Flow Architecture were suggested to provide an on-line teaching aid with a semantic retrieval system so as to initiate an innovative model for on-line English teaching aids.

    The English Content Knowledge, Ontology, a model of English domain knowledge, defines the concepts and their attributes, as well as the multiple relationships between the concepts: Class(vertical), Reciprocity(horizontal), and dependency(grouping)relationships. An “instance” is hypostatized from an abstract class, and the integration of the abstract classes and the instances represent the English Content Knowledge Ontology built up in this research.

    The present study has introduced Object Oriented concept that deemed the English content knowledge as an object and as an instance with different Attributes and Operations. Encapsulated attributes and operations engaged in coordination among different objects through exchanges of messages, and resulted in the achievement of the overall system operations. Meanwhile, each student would also be an object in the course of the study and possess different attributes and operations. The final goal, learning, could be achieved through the exchanges of messages for mission coordination.

    UML was applied in the study to construct the three major models in the on-line English learning. Functional Model – Use case Diagram to model the user’s requirements for the system; Static Model – Class Diagram to abstract an object for showing a static architecture; Dynamic Model – Sequence Diagram to describe the information flow among the objects.

    This research also attempted to explore the present circumstances of the primary school’s on-line English teaching aid websites. It illustrated the needs of developing architecture for a website with semantic retrieval functions, multiple choice ways of learning and diversified modes for learning assessments It will be able to record and analyse the learning effect and test the result, building up learning records (including learning style, habit, attitude and learning effect) in order to provide each student with more learning opportunities and to share teaching resources with all of the teachers.

    Through the new learning model, the students are able to obtain learning resources to grow by themselves. The present study also urged more concern on the research and development of the English teaching website in order to provide more vitality to our children and their new learning methods. The model built up in this study may serve as a reference in the development of effective on-line English learning for children.

    Key words: Grade 1-9 English Teaching Curriculum, Knowledge Management, Ontology, Semantic Retrieval System, Object Oriented, UML

    第一章 緒論

    第一節 研究動機
    第二節 研究目的
    第三節 預期貢獻

    第二章 文獻探討

    第一節 九年一貫英語課程
    第二節 知識管理
    第三節 知識本體
    第四節 物件導向與UML

    第三章 研究方法與架構

    第一節 研究方法
    3.1.1 研究工具
    3.1.2 個案研究方法與內容
    3.1.3 資料收集及採樣原則

    第二節 研究範圍與限制
    3.2.1 研究資料採用.
    3.2.2 Protégé 的實作與應用
    3.2.3 UML實作
    3.2.4 英語教學網站之抽樣比較

    第三節 研究架構
    3.3.1 界定知識範圍
    3.3.2 分析相關知識
    3.3.3 建構教學模型 內容知識結構模型 學習流程架構模型

    第四章 個案分析與探討

    第五章 結論與建議

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