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Title: | 知識園區經營策略探討 |
Authors: | 林美東 |
Contributors: | 吳思華 林美東 |
Keywords: | 知識經濟 知識園區 經營策略 |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:54:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 中文摘要
1. 政府所規劃的園區與由民間自行規劃開發的園區優缺點如何。
2. 參考國外成功園區規劃的案例,並歸納出主要成功因素。
3. 探討國內園區的成功因素,並利用四個競技場分析民間開發園區所具
4. 園區的成功與否,一般可分為先天性的驅動力量,與後天的成功因
向。 Abstract
According to the large amount of manufacture industry have been moved aboard in recent years, the whole commercial and industrial environment is facing to huge threat and challenge. Cause of the conditions of competition is change with the large surroundings of knowledge-based economy; business enterprise has to be changed by according to the changing circumstances. Knowledge-based economy requires high-efficiency and free competition circumstances of industry and business management.
This thesis named, study of “Strategy for management of Knowledge-based Industrial Park”, the purpose is to study the trend of development of Knowledge-based Industrial Park in Taiwan. Use current point, consult and deliberate the experience of advanced countries, discuss the Knowledge-based Industrial Park that got better prospect; besides this, also to consider the transformation of Science-based Industrial Park that has been promoted to construct whether have better direction to transform. In addition, this study has been considering about the objectivity of data source and the limits of investigate period, so by case study of Strategy for management of High-technology Industrial park and their success factor in cities of Europe, United States and China. The next in order, is to think about how government and the private company perform a task by division of labor as well as increase the manage performance.
The main research contents of this study:
1. What is the advantage and weakness between the industrial park that develop by government or by the private companies.
2. Conclude the key-success-factors that refers to successful Industrial Park plan aboard.
3. Discuss the success factor of domestic industrial park, make use of four arena analyze to found out the advantage that the industrial park development by private company that have.
4. A successful Industrial Park, generally separated to existed driving force and future key-success-factors, how to use those criteria to develop more suitable directions to plan Taiwan’s Knowledge-based industrial park. 目 錄
目 錄 --------------------------------------------- Ⅰ
圖 目 錄 --------------------------------------------- Ⅲ
表 目 錄 --------------------------------------------- Ⅳ
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ---------------------------- 2
第二節 研究內容 ---------------------------------- 3
第三節 研究流程 ---------------------------------- 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 識經濟時代的來臨 --------------------------- 5
第二節 知識型產業的特性 --------------------------- 9
第三節 知識型園區的範疇 -------------------------- 14
第四節 國內科學工業園區之發展歷史 ----------------- 21
第五節 園區經營策略分析 ------------------------------ 28
第三章 研究設計 32
第一節 研究架構 ----------------------------------- 32
第二節 研究方法 ----------------------------------- 34
第四章 國外科學科學工業園區個案研究 36
第一節 國外個案分析 ------------------------------- 36
第二節 國外個案成功因素彙整 ----------------------- 62
第五章 日常生活活動與環境間之互動關係
第一節 國內個案分析 ------------------------------ 66
第二節 內個案成功因素彙整 ------------------------ 78
第三節 政府與民間園區未來開發計劃之比較 ---------- 78
第六章 結論與建議 89
第一節 結論 -------------------------------------- 89
第二節 建議與發現 -------------------------------- 94
參考文獻 ------------------------------------------ 102
圖1-3-1 研究流程 --------------------------------- 4
圖2-1-1 知識經濟要素圖 --------------------------- 8
圖2-2-1 Dell與傳統電腦製造商之價值移轉圖 ----------- 11
圖2-2-2 知識經濟產業類型 ------------------------- 12
圖2-2-3 知識經濟時代企業型態兩極化 --------------- 13
圖2-3-1 知識型產業園區架構圖 --------------------- 14
圖2-3-2 知識園區發展架構 ------------------------- 18
圖2-4-1 產業升級發展歷程 ------------------------- 21
圖2-4-2 知識園區發展主軸 ----------------- 22
圖2-4-3 綠色矽島概念架構圖 ----------------------- 28
圖3-1-1 研究架構 --------------------------------- 32
圖6-2-1 IC設計走廊九個園區分布圖 ----------------- 101
表2-3-1 高科技產業特性各家看法彙整表 ------------- 16
表2-4-1 我國所推動的科學園區類型與內容 ----------- 27
表4-1-1 Innopoli 所提供的商業服務 ---------------- 41
表4-1-2 Ideon 科學園區內容表 -------------------- 43
表4-2-1 國外個案成功因素彙整表 ------------------- 62
表5-1-1 台北地區電子業製造強度 ------------------- 72
表5-2-1 國內三個典型園區之比較 ------------------- 75
表5-2-2 國內個案成功因素彙整表表 ----------------- 76 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 88931016 91 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0088931016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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