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Title: | 知識創新社群與產業創新 |
Authors: | 陳宗文 CHEN,Tzung-wen |
Contributors: | 吳思華 Wu,Se-hwa 陳宗文 CHEN,Tzung-wen |
Keywords: | 產業創新 社群 晶圓代工 疫苗 巴斯德研究院 inudstrial innovation community foundry vaccine Institut Pasteur |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:41:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討以知識為基礎的產業如何形成與發展而達成產業創新。更特定言,本研究探討基於知識技術以及組織制度結構所產生之權力關係,如何透過行動者與情境條件之互動,以社群型態之集體行動使其發生轉變,進而影響產業創新之結果。
本研究亦發現社群的形成與既有的權力關係結構有關。而隨著所欲動員於產業創新的資源條件愈龐大,即待轉變的表面權力關係愈為複雜,以社群實現產業創新愈為重要。而知識與創新社群間的互動,特別是反餽的現象,特別有助於產業創新的實現。另知識和創新社群的行動者有重疊之可能,尤其特定的關鍵行動者將同時扮演知識社群與創新社群中的重要角色。 The dissertation studies the formation and development of communities in industrial innovations of emerging technology. A community is defined as a group of actors that, strongly influenced by their contexts, voluntarily contribute to enforcement of the capability that aims at realizing their common interests. As a specific form of collective actions, the communities are critical in coordinating various actors by gradually shaping the power relations between them, thus smoothing the potential conflicts during the relatively radical innovation.
In the study, two cases are chosen for observing the communitarian processes. The first case is the semiconductor foundry in Taiwan. The second one is the vaccine industry in France. The later further comprises two subcases. One is BCG innovations. The other is the vaccine anti-hepatitis B.
Based on a prior case study and literature reviews, two types of communities are proposed to examine the two case studies. The first type of communities is a “knowledge community” in which innovative actors contribute voluntarily in creation and diffusion of knowledge centered at the specific technological innovation. The second type is an “innovation community” in which innovative actors from different sectors contribute together to the application of the specific technology.
The study found that a technological power relation that is from the incapability of controlling an emerging technology or of controlling those who own the technology is a barrier to industrial innovation. the knowledge community is capable of transforming a technological power relation, via the formation and diffusion of a common language, for realizing the industrial innovation.
It reveals that a structural power relation that is from the actors’ ignorance or resistance to the application of an emerging technology is a barrier to industrial innovation. The innovation community is capable of transforming a structural power relation, via the formation and diffusion of a common value, for realizing the industrial innovation.
Moreover, the larger the distance that a surface power relation is from its realistic power relation, that is, the more the disequilibrium of a power relation has, the more efforts are required for a community to contribute in industrial innovation. On the other hand, the more the positive feedbacks between a knowledge community and an innovation community, that is, the more the outcomes of the knowledge community that enhance a common value of the innovation community, and the more the outcomes of the innovation community that enhance the diffusion and deepening of a common language of the knowledge community, the easier the realization of an industrial innovation.
Finally, a key actor as a community member has a strategic meaning that the key actor reacts to deepen a common language or to increase a common value so as to facilitate the formation and development of a knowledge community or an innovation community, thus realizing the industrial innovation. 謝辭 i
摘要 iii
章節目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 5
第四節 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 產業創新 9
第二節 產業創新的分析架構 11
第三節 創新系統 15
第四節 社群與產業創新的社群 19
第五節 先導個案 26
第三章 研究架構 34
第一節 社群與權力關係 35
第二節 社群的情境:應然與實然 41
第三節 知識社群與創新社群 44
第四章 研究設計 50
第一節 研究方法 50
第二節 個案選取原則 52
第三節 觀察變項 53
第四節 資料蒐集與分析 56
第五章 晶圓代工如何在台灣建立產業地位 58
第一節 台灣半導體製造技術知識社群的形成 59
第二節 晶圓代工知識與創新社群的興起與發展 65
第三節 晶圓代工的社群發展與產業創新 77
第四節 個案檢討 85
第六章 卡介苗如何在法國成為強制接種的疫苗 93
第一節 卡介苗社群原型的建構 96
第二節 卡介苗知識與創新社群的擴張與穩固 101
第三節 個案檢討 110
第七章 B型肝炎血清疫苗如何興起與沒落 116
第一節 B型肝炎疫苗社群形成與發展的參考情境 118
第二節 B型肝炎血清疫苗知識與創新社群的形成 123
第三節 B型肝炎血清疫苗知識與創新社群的瓦解 130
第四節 個案檢討 137
第八章 綜合討論 142
第一節 社群的形成 142
第二節 社群與產業創新 147
第三節 知識創新社群與其他產業創新分析架構 154
第四節 技術的影響力 159
第九章 結論與意涵 165
第一節 結論 165
第二節 管理與政策意涵 166
第三節 後續研究議題 170
結語:社群之於產業創新之三識 173
參考文獻資料 174
中文部份 174
西文部份 175 |
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