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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/30332
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    Title: 盈餘管理與買回庫藏股後公司績效之關聯性
    Authors: 林易靖
    Contributors: 許崇源
    Keywords: 公開市場買回庫藏股
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2009-09-11 17:40:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究首先針對台灣上市公司宣告買回庫藏股後之長期營運績效表現作探討,藉由公司宣告買回後之長期績效表現來探討公司宣告買回庫藏股之主要動機以及資訊意涵,究竟為傳遞公司價值受到低估之訊號或是將多餘現金還給股東,以降低代理成本。接著探討公司宣告買回庫藏股前之盈餘管理行為,發現宣告公司宣告前存在顯著負的異常應計,且與宣告後之營運績效表現呈現負相關。盈餘管理之程度隨著公司買回比率以及宣告前經理人持股增加。宣告前之異常應計數與宣告後之營運績效表現呈現顯著負相關,同時也發現公司宣告買回庫藏股後之長期營運績效表現成長,受到宣告前盈餘管理行為之影響,並非宣告公司真實的營運績效成長。
    This study examine the long-term operation and stock performance after open-market repurchases of Taiwan company in order to find out the information content of open-market repurchase decisions.We also examine the earning management behavior before open-market repurchase, and find that the average firm report significantly negative abnormal accruals prior to open-market repurchases. The extent of the downward earnings management increases with the volume of the company repurchase and CEO ownership.The pre-repurchase abnormal accruals are also significantly associated with future operating performance.
    We find that the operation performance of the company improve after open-market repurchase program,especially the companies with actual buyback behavior. The post-repurchase performance of the firm that don’t have buyback intend does not improve,even regress.This study provide evidence suggesting that the post-repurchase long-term operation performance improvement is partly driven by pre-repurchase downward earnings management,rather than genuine grouth of the company. Thus,we provide evidence suggesting that the motive of the Taiwan companies to repurchase stock is not consist with the information signaling hypothesis.The results of this study support implication of free cash hypothesis、earnming management incentive hypothesis and management incentive hypothesis.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0963530221
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