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Title: | 新財務會計準則第十號公報對企業之影響 |
Authors: | 廖翊帆 |
Contributors: | 蘇瓜藤 廖翊帆 |
Keywords: | 事件研究法 新十號公報 累積平均異常報酬率 似乎不相關迴歸模式 Event study New SFAS No. 10 Accumulated average abnormal returns Seemingly unrelated regression |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:40:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著國際化的發展,企業為降低財務報表重編的相關成本,採用全球統一的財務會計準則已成趨勢。近年來,我國之財務會計準則委員會陸續修訂了若干公報,其中之一為第十號公報。該公報修訂至生效時期,正值全球金融風暴。因此,政府對實施該公報的時機決策反覆,而企業界、會計界及媒體皆對該公報相當關注。
研究結果指出,在新十號公報修訂期間,市場對該公報的反應較為負面;在政府政策反覆期間,市場反應則有正有負。各產業部份,電子業於該公報修訂初期受影響較大,推論原因為電子業固定成本高、毛利較低之緣故;而在該公報政府實施決策階段則受影響較小,推論原因為大部分電子業公司均做好因應措施。公司特性部分,大公司對該公報愈持正面態度;老公司則較排斥該公報;前三年度虧損的公司,受該公報影響較小;而成長機會較多之公司,在該公報制定初期受影響較大,但於政府實施決策階段反而受影響較小。 To pursue globalization, it has been a trend for firms to gradually adopt the International Accounting Standards; that would help reduce the costs related to cross-border restatement of financial reports. To converge with the International Accounting Standards, the Financial Accounting Standards of Taiwan has been revised in recent years. One of the revised standards is the new SFAS No. 10. That revision took place amid the financial crisis. Before the new standard became effective, the government in Taiwan swung on the timing issue of formal adoption. As a result, firms, practitioners, and the media all paid close attention to the new SFAS No. 10.
This study aims to examine the revision and adoption decision effects of the new SFAS No. 10 on the stock market, industries, and firms. Firm characteristics that could be factors of the reaction were also examined. This research is an event study using seemingly unrelated regression to analyze the accumulated average abnormal returns of stocks of listed companies in Taiwan.
The empirical results are as follows. First, the whole market mostly reacted negatively in the standard revision period and in either way during the standard adoption decision period. Next, in the standard revision period, the electronic industry also reacted negatively, as it would be more affected because of its higher fixed cost and lower gross profit. Yet, in the adoption decision period, the electronic industry was less affected likely because most electronics firms were ready for adoption. Thirdly, as to firm characteristics, bigger firms were willing to adopt the new standard, but older firms were not so. In addition, firms that had losses in the previous three years were less affected by the new standard. Finally, firms that had greater growth opportunities were more affected in the early period of standard revision but became less affected in the adoption decision period. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 96353013 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0963530131 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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