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Title: | 移轉訂價課稅新規定對金控公司移轉訂價之影響 |
Authors: | 何靜芳 Ho, Ching-fang |
Contributors: | 許崇源 何靜芳 Ho, Ching-fang |
Keywords: | 移轉訂價 金控公司 Transfer Pricing Financial Holding Company |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:39:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 目前,許多跨國企業為了避免被課予重稅,紛紛於免稅天堂設立紙上公司,以使利潤留在較低稅率之國家,以節省稅賦。各國稅務機關對於此一問題,紛紛規定移轉訂價準則,以規範該稅收管轄權區域內之企業,以避免企業從事不合常規交易,影響稅收。
研究結果發現國泰金控公司與外部關係企業、外部關係人之交易,分為有形資產移轉及使用、無形資產移轉及使用、資金使用,均採市價計算。合於OECD規定之可比較非受控制價格法 (CUP)及我國營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則第五條規定之可比較未受控價格法。
另外,國泰金控母公司與金控子公司間之垂直交易,與金控子公司間之交易亦是採市價作計算。有關國泰金控內部跨售之行為,則是採取給付佣金之方式。然而,此一跨售之行為,應由銀行計算出投入各項銷售之成本,再將各銷售成本納入該當之子公司損益表項下,以充份反映銷壽產險之總成本,以檢視其金控集團是否有達其成本節省之綜效。若未來國內金控集團勢布局亞太地區或是全球,則金控公司不能忽視此一移轉訂價問題,必須準備移轉訂價報告,或是與各國之稅務機關簽訂預先訂價協議,避免重覆課稅。 Nowadays, many multinational enterprises set up paper companies in the tax heaven, then they can increase income of the paper company. Because tax heaven impose lower tax rate or nil tax rate, they can reduce tax expenses. Many countries had set up transfer pricing regulation to avoid the companies have non-arm’s length transaction.
We had issued transfer pricing regulation in Dec. 28, 2004 in Taiwan, and the financial holding company law had come into force for 3 years. The research make a study of transfer pricing policy of the intra-holding company and transfer pricing policy between holding company and related parties.
The results of the research are that transaction prices between Cathay Holding Company and the related parties are according with the market prices, and this fit in with the comparable uncontrolled price method.
In addition, transaction prices within the intra-holding company are according with the market prices, too. The cross selling between bank and insurance company, the insurance company will give bank appropriate commission fees. But bank should calculate the cost to sell the insurance, then the insurance company can summarize the total cost of selling insurance, to see that if they had achieve the goal of synergetic benefits. If the financial holding companies had become a world-wide companies, they should pay much attention to transfer pricing issue to avoid double taxation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353053 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530531 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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