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Title: | 智慧資本資金成本之初探 |
Authors: | 涂展源 Tu, Chen-Yuan |
Contributors: | 李怡宗 Lee, Yi-Tsung 涂展源 Tu, Chen-Yuan |
Keywords: | 智慧資本 資金成本 折現率 三因子模式 intellectual capital cost of capital discount rate three factor model |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:39:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業創造價值的來源由傳統的有形資產如土地、廠房和設備等,轉變為無形的智慧資本,然而一般公認會計原則將創造智慧資本的投入視為費用加以處理,使得企業之帳面價值與市場價值的差距日益增加,公司的管理當局及投資人在評價時面臨重大困難,因而有效的智慧資本評價方式變得十分重要。本研究目的即在探討,採用收益基礎的評價模式下,何種資金成本估計方式所估計之資金成本較能有效反應投資人在考慮企業智慧資本之特性和風險後,所要求的必要報酬率,而使得以該資金成本作為折現率,估計企業智慧資本價值,所估計之結果較能反映企業之市場價值。本研究以Fama and French之三因子模式、益本比法以及市場模式估計企業之資金成本,實證結果發現如下:
(2)三種估計企業資金成本的方式中,僅有Fama and French之三因子模式企業之Beta值呈正相關,而與公司規模呈負相關,為有效的資金成本估計方式。
(4)若將企業依研發支出密度加以區分,在低研發支出密度公司中,以益本比法所估計之折現率計算之智慧資本價值攸關性最高;而在高研發支出密度以及零研發支出密度公司中均以三因子模式所估計之折現率計算之結果價值攸關性較高。 Intellectual capital has become the origin of value of a company. But traditional GAAP views investment that is helpful to the value of untellectual capital such as R&D and advertisement as expenses, the gap between the book value and the market value of a business has become larger. This study confer that if we value a business through income-based method, what kind of estimated method of cost of capital should we use to make the estimated value of intellectual capital reflect the value of a business more efficiently. In this study we estimated cost of capital using three estimated method: factor model of Fama and French, earning to price ratio(E/P ratio), and market model, and we find:
1.If we use different kind of estimated methods, the estimated cost of capital can be different from each other. And if we use different kinds of cost of capital as discount rate, the estimated value of intellectual capital can be different from each other too.
2.Only the cost of capital that estimated through three factor model can be a effective method to estimate cost of capital of a company.
3.The value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value of the company when we use the cost of capital estimated through factor model, E/P ratio, and marlet model as the discount rate, and the result of Wald test suggest that using the cost of capital estimated by factor model as the discount rate to calculate the value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value more effeciently than others.
4.If we divide our sample into three group using the density of their R&D expenditure, we find that the cost of capital estimated by factor model can be the most efficient if a company has a higher R&D orzero expenditure. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353043 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530431 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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