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Title: | 企業智慧資本資訊揭露程度之價值攸關性探討 |
Authors: | 王彥翔 Wang, Yen-Hsiang |
Contributors: | 張清福 王彥翔 Wang, Yen-Hsiang |
Keywords: | 智慧資本揭露 價值攸關性 內容分析法 Ohlson模型 Disclosure of intellectual capital Value relevance Content Analysis Ohlson model |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:37:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 智慧資本研究可分為策略流派(strategic stream)與評量流派(measurement stream)。前者主要研究如何創造與運用智慧資本,以及探討智慧資本與價值創造的關係;後者著重如何對智慧資本進行衡量。
本研究依評量流派之觀點,以民國91年度資訊電子業上市公司為樣本,探討智慧資本資訊對於企業價值的影響。本文採用內容分析法對各樣本公司進行揭露程度評比,採用Ohslon (1995)模型進行實證研究,結果顯示智慧資本之資訊揭露與企業價值攸關,揭露程度與公司價值成正向關係。就分項智慧資本而言,流程資本以及關係資本之揭露程度與公司價值有顯著關係;然而,人力資本與創新資本的揭露程度與公司價值之關係均不顯著。 The research in intellectual capital (IC) can be divided into two streams focusing on strategic aspect and measurement aspect, respectively. The former stream investigates how to create and use IC and concentrates on the relation between IC and the value creation. On the other hand, the measurement stream is more concerned with the IC reporting and measurement.
Basing on the view of measurement stream, this study selects 177 listed companies in Taiwan electronic industry in 2002 as a sample and investigates the effect of IC information on firm value. By using content analysis method to score the degree of IC disclosure for each sample firm, the empirical result shows that the comprehensive disclosure of IC has significant and positive effect on firm value. When we further look into the decomposition of IC disclosure, both relation capital and process capital are found to have positive and significant effect on firm value while the human capital and innovation capital do not have such a significant relationship. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353023 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530231 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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