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Title: | 目標成本制下新產品開發流程與會計人員作業之探討-以我國兩汽車企業為比較個案 |
Authors: | 徐潔如 |
Contributors: | 王文英 徐潔如 |
Keywords: | 目標成本制 新產品開發流程 會計人員 會計人員之作業 Target costing New product development process The accountants The accountant`s activities |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:37:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 廣受日式企業採用之目標成本制,提早於產品設計、開發時即檢討成本降低的可能性,並以產品生命週期為考量,有效降低成本。不但為一有效降低成本之技法,更為企業利潤規劃之利器。
成共識,有助於目標成本制之順利運作。 Target costing is widely adopted by Japanese enterprises. It advances the time of cost-down evaluation to the product design and development stage. By considering into the product life cycle, it lowers the cost effectively. Therefore, for enterprises target costing is not only an effective means of cost reduction but also an useful method of profit projection.
A systematic and flexible new product development (NPD) process is the key of profitability of the product. Most enterprises have abandoned the traditional sequential phases of NPD for overlapping phases of development. In overlapping phases of development, cooperation between cross-functional teams is important. Among all, accountants are especially essential because their work affects the practice of target costing. In order to further understand the differences of NPD process and accountant’s activities in different companies, this study has conducted case studies of Yulon and China-motor.
The conclusions of this study are:
1.Yulon and China-motor basically adopt the same NPD process.
However, the strategies emphasized are different, which cause
differences in the idea generator generating, feasibility
analysis and the management of target cost.
2.Under target costing, the accountant’s activities in the NPD
process include “setting, allocating, controlling and
managing the target cost”, “understanding the strategies
and cooperating with other participators in cross-functional
team”, “analyzing the capital expenditure and providing
related law and foreign currency information”, “providing
the cost information” and “preparing related financial
3.The defined roles of accountants in NPD in both enterprises
are influenced by their selected strategies.
4.The consensus of accountant’s activities between the
accountants and other team members is helpful to the practice
of target costing. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353022 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530221 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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