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Title: | 平衡計分卡與智慧資本之結合-以美容產業為例 |
Authors: | 林志剛 |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 林志剛 |
Keywords: | 平衡計分卡 智慧資本 美容產業 服務業 |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:37:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 平衡計分卡被美國哈佛商業評論評定為二十世紀最重要的七十五種商業概念之一,透過四個構面的解析,可以將企業組織之策略具體與行動緊密結合,以利企業組織之策略落實,故影響企業之經營管理甚深。而另一方面,隨著經濟演變之腳步,企業之經營模式逐漸由「資本密集化」轉變為「知識密集化」,故智慧資本於企業經營中,已扮演關鍵之角色地位。未來企業之關鍵競爭能力將著眼於其組織之智慧資本管理之上。但回顧國內相關論文,針對企業組織智慧資本之整體性管理架構之論文,仍屬少數,較少著墨。故本研究擬結合平衡計分卡與智慧資本之架構,以建構一智慧資本管理之整體性架構,進而引導智慧資本之創造及管理。並挑選一挽面業個案公司以為研究對象,將此一分析平台應用於個案公司之分析之上,以瞭解個案公司為達成策略之目的,其所應聚焦、管理、累積之智慧資本為何?本研究並依據個案公司分析之智慧資本缺口提出可行性之建議,俾作為個案公司及後續企業採用此一結構平台時之參考。 In recent years, academic scholars and business world managers have both given increasing attention to the importance of Balanced Scorecard(BSC). BSC is a very powerful strategic measurement system. And in the fast-changing business environment nowadays, the only way to create a competitive advantage is by managing IC. This thesis aims to discuss how to integrate the Balanced Scorecard with intellectual capital, and handle the issues of creation, formation, measurement and even management of strategic intellectual capital (SIC).This thesis conducts a case study under a cosmetic company to illustrate the integration between the BSC and IC. By this system, case company will find intellectual capital gap. It will help case company to implement strategy effectively and maximize value. Furthermore, these case study results and findings may be generalized to other companies adopting or considering adopting the integration between the BSC and IC as a strategic and management control device. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353016 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530161 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [會計學系] 學位論文
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