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Title: | 銀行保險對我國人保險公司經營效率之影響分析 |
Authors: | 張義宏 |
Contributors: | 王儷玲 王文英
張義宏 |
Keywords: | 銀行保險 資料包絡分析法 效率 bancasurrance data envelopment analysis efficiency |
Date: | 2004 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:36:14 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 銀行保險對我國壽險公司日益重要,在2003年時新契約保費收入高達25%都是由其所貢獻。但造成銀行保險對我國壽險公司日益重要的因素,究竟是因其對我國壽險公司經營效率產生正面之影響,抑或大家只是一窩蜂地搶進?因此,本研究將透過實證分析,探討銀行保險對我國壽險公司經營績效之影響。
在Tobit迴歸分析指出銀行保險確實對壽險公司之經營效率有所助益。產品集中程度與經營效率無顯著關係。市佔率與總生產效率、技術效率以及規模效率呈現負相關,可見我國壽險公司會因其市佔率高而導致其提升經營效率之誘因下降。外商公司在規模效率與配置效率低於本國公司,原因在於對我國市場之不熟悉。是否為金控公司子公司,因限於時間因素,對我國壽險公司之經營效率影響尚不明顯。最後,東南亞金融風暴、地雷股事件等造成市場利率走低,故投資資產比率與技術效率呈負向關係。另外,總資產規模與各項效率呈現顯著正相關,代表規模愈大的公司愈能有效率地經營。 Bancassurance, which caused new policy’s premium to reach to 25% in 2003, has become more and more important to the life insurance industry in Taiwan. But what made it so significant, its positive effect upon increasing the operating efficiency of the life insurance industry in Taiwan, or the irrational people who just swarming into it? Thus, this research tests how bancassurance influence the life insurance industry in Taiwan.
This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis to measure the operating efficiency, and Tobit regression to test what were the facts that influenced operating efficiency of life insurance industry.
As for the life insurance industry in Taiwan, not even half of the overall efficiency was reached to what it should be. To analyze further to overall efficiency would come out the conclusion that allocative efficiency was less efficient than technical efficiency while technical efficiency was trending up. The rising of pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency was found out to be the reason of ascension after profoundly analysis.
Tobit regression supports that bancassurance is positive related to operating efficiency of life insurance industry. The product fucus or diversification is not related to operating efficiency. Market share has negative relationship with overall efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency, which indicate that the inducement of increasing operating efficiency of the life insurance industry could be lowered due to their high market share. Scale efficiency and allocative efficiency is lower in foreign companies than in domestic companies for that foreign companies are unfamiliar with the market of Taiwan. There is no relationship between subsidiaries of holding company with operating efficiency yet because of the time-limited. At last, due to the financial storm in South-east Asia, the event of accounting fraud and etc, the market interest rate was trending low, and then made the ratio of investment assets to the total assets to be negative related to technical efficiency. Furthermore, the positive relationship between scale and efficiency represents that the larger the scale of a company is, the more efficient it can be in running business. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 92353007 93 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923530071 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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