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Title: | 顧客生命週期及獲利力之相關性─田野實證研究 The Relationship between Customer Lifetime and Customer Profitability:Field Empirical Evidences |
Authors: | 劉俊儒 Liu, Chun-Ju |
Contributors: | 吳安妮 劉俊儒 Liu, Chun-Ju |
Keywords: | 顧客生命週期時間 顧客生命週期時間影響因素 多重通路 顧客獲利力 customer lifetime the determinants of customer lifetime customer profitability multi-channel |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2009-09-11 17:34:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在以往探討非財務性績效指標與財務績效指標關係的相關文獻中,大多以品質、顧客滿意度、瑕疵率及準時送達率為主,甚少討論顧客生命週期時間(customer lifetime)。本研究主要探索顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係、顧客生命週期時間的影響因素與多重通路的相關議題。
本文以一家大型電視購物業的公司為個案,64,632名顧客30個月的交易資料為樣本,實證結果發現:(一) 顧客生命週期時間與顧客獲利力的關係為正向關係。(二)顧客的交易金額與顧客生命週期時間呈正向關係;平均間隔購買時間、自有品牌與耐久財對顧客生命週期時間的關係為反向關係;退貨次數與顧客生命週期時間是U字形關係。(三)自電視購物通路所取得的顧客,未來的顧客生命週期時間會較短,但自型錄通路所取得的顧客則會較長;來自電視通路的顧客利潤顯著高於其它通路。(四)使用多重通路的顧客其顧客生命週期時間顯著高於單一通路的使用者,但顧客利潤則顯著低於單一通路的使用者。 Non-financial measures have been widely advocated and adopted, such as quality, customer satisfaction, defective rate, and on-time delivery rate. However, empirical research has little focus on customer lifetime. This study explores (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability; (2) the determinants of customer lifetime; (3) the impact of multi-channel shopping on customer profitability and customer lifetime.
Using 64,632 customers level data (30 months) from a large TV Shopping company, this study finds: (1) the relationship between customer lifetime and customer profitability is positive; (2) customer transaction amount is positively related to customer lifetime duration; average interpurchase time, private brand, and durable goods are negatively related to customer lifetime duration; the relationship between customer’s return frequency and customer lifetime is U shape; (3) the customer lifetime duration of TV channel customers is shorter than that of other channel customers, but the customer profitability of TV channel customers is larger than that of other channel customers; (4) the customer lifetime duration of multi-channel customers is longer than that of single channel shoppers, but the customer profitability of multi-channel customers is less than that of single channel customers. |
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